Lauren Blum

Lauren Blum

Full Name: Lauren Blum

Class year: 2026 

Major: Sociology major with a minor in German, Business Fundamentals certificate program

Hometown: Garden City, NY

Clubs and Organizations: HerCampus, The Agency. I am also a German Tutor on campus

Why I chose Holy Cross: I absolutely fell in love with the beautiful campus and the truly unique Holy Cross community. 

What I love about Mount St. James: The seasons on Mount St. James are amazing. Every season makes for a breathtaking view. From the fall leaves to the spring flowers blooming, we live on a beautiful campus. I especially love the views on the first snowfall. 

My favorite HC tradition: I absolutely love the spring concert. In my opinion, it's the best day on the hill! 

Advice for your college search: My best advice for your college search is to not stress so much. I know it seems hard now, but In the end you'll end up at the right place for you.

The best/favorite food on campus: As a vegetarian I love the eggplant parmesan and garlic knots from Kimball Dining Hall. They’re simply the best!

What I love about the Holy Cross community: I love how I could pretty much be anywhere, and If I'm wearing the HC logo will almost always get stopped. I love how the passion for Holy Cross lives on well past graduation. 

Favorite spot on campus: I love the art wing in Dinand because it's not so popular. I love looking out the windows as I study at my own secluded desk. It's definitely my go to study spot.