Chandler Dicks

Chandler Dicks

Full Name:  Chandler Dicks 

Class year: 2027

Major: Undecided

Hometown: Derby, CT

Clubs and Organizations: Holy Cross Men’s Track & Field & HC Black Student Union

Why I chose Holy Cross: I chose Holy Cross because I loved the welcoming environment, the community, and the beautiful campus and facilities it offered.

When I knew I was meant to be a Crusader:  I knew I was meant to be a crusader when I first came and saw the beautiful campus – the skyline, buildings and athletic facilities— all stood out to me. Not to mention, the food in kimball is good! 

My favorite thing about Worcester: I think my favorite thing about Worcester, and Holy Cross, is the people. I can truly say the students I have met and become friends with are some of the funniest and kindest people ever. They make each day at HC better than the last.

Fun Fact about my major: One fun fact about my major is that it’s currently undecided! At Holy Cross, every first year student has to be undeclared so they get the change to explore different classes and interests! I am currently choosing between an Economics or Political Science major with a double major in Spanish and business certificate. I plan on going into business law! 

The best/favorite food on campus: My favorite food on campus is definitely Kimball’s chicken parm Wednesday’s or taco Tuesday’s. Both of them always bring a smile on my face when entering the dining hall!

Favorite spot on campus: My favorite spot on campus is definitely the Brooks classroom. Although it can be crowded, and rather loud at times, it is my favorite place to study in after a long day of practice and lift. It certainly helps that I happen to be a resident of Brooks Basement!