Holy Cross Elections Forum

Trump and Biden-Harris face masks overlaid on the Holy Cross Elections Forum 2020 Edition banner

As leaders of departments or organizations tasked with sponsoring election-related programming, five of us, faculty and students, are working together across political differences to coordinate events that will help prepare our community for the 2020 elections. We are committed to talking through our differences thoughtfully and respectfully, without ignoring challenges that we see as important.

With less than two months until election day, the Holy Cross Elections Forum will highlight virtual opportunities to engage on issues of political identity, access to affordable healthcare, racial justice, climate change, and foreign policy. Each week we'll offer Zoom events with special guest speakers, debates, and informal discussions among students and faculty. We also will share links to thoughtful commentary from various perspectives, and we invite you to suggest helpful articles and resources as we consider these issues as well.

View our events and resources each week

Week One: Political Labels»
Week Two: Healthcare»
Week Three: Foreign Policy»
Week Four: Supreme Court»
Week Five: Climate Change»
Week Six: Where Do You Stand?»
Week Seven: Race and Criminal Justice»
Week Eight: Election Week and Post Analysis»

Who We Are

Marisa George '21Marisa George '21
Double Major in Political Science and Psychology
Co-Chair of the College Republicans


Daniel KlinghardDaniel Klinghard
Professor of Political Science
Director of the J.D. Power Center for Liberal Arts in the World
Co-Director of the Charles Carroll Program

Tom LandyTom Landy 
Director of the McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture
Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology


Maria G. M. RodriguesMaria G. M. Rodrigues
Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science


Ben Tayag '21Ben Tayag '21
History Major
Co-President of the College Democrats