Elections Forum: Election Week

November 2-6, 2020

Post-Election Day Political Science Roundtable

An altered photo of Holy Cross political science faculty seated in an election night newsroom

November 4, 2020
The Holy Cross Elections Forum caps its Fall 2020 programming with a virtual roundtable discussion featuring members of the Political Science faculty on key takeaways the day after the November 3 election. Moderated by Daniel Klinghard, professor of political science and director of the J.D. Power Center for Liberal Arts in the World, the discussion addressed early indicators in the vote results, possible outcomes and their consequences, the Electoral College, voter turnout and suppression, and what comparative analyses can tell us about the U.S. political system. Participating faculty include: Nina Barzachka, Joshua Boucher, Donald Brand, Greg Burnep, Clayton Cleveland, Vickie Langohr, Maria Rodrigues, Samuel Stoddard, and Jake Mozeleski '22, who volunteered at the polls in Pennsylvania. Note: the event was held before the race was decided.
Watch the roundtable discussion»


Pollsters Offer Post-Election Analysis

Jefrey PollockJim McLaughlinNovember 10, 2020
Two of the nation’s most well renowned and experienced political pollsters join Professors Bishop and Flaherty to provide an in-depth post-election analysis. Jefrey Pollock, Founding Partner and President of Global Strategy Group, is regularly sought out by Democratic presidential candidates, governors, members of Congress, and leading advocacy organizations was twice awarded “Pollster of the Year” by his peers in the bi-partisan American Association of Political Consultants. Republican pollster Jim McLaughlin, President and Partner of McLaughlin & Associates, has been called a “Big Winner” by a leading political magazine for his work on some of the top races in the country. He helped to elect President Donald J. Trump in 2016, and his firm was widely accredited for its accurate polling in predicting a Trump victory that year.


Recommended Reading

Marisa George '21 shares from the Wall Street Journal: "Fight for Senate Stays Closely Tied to White House Contest."

Professor Daniel Klinghard recommends a post by Samuel J. Abrams, professor of politics at Sarah Lawrence College and a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute: "America's Center Needs to Make Itself Heard."

McFarland Center Director Tom Landy recommends "What Have We Lost?" a compendium of essays by all 15 of the New York Times Opinion columnists.

Professor Maria Rodrigues recommends a news analysis from the Center for Public Integrity: "New and Age-Old Voter Suppression Tactics at the Heart of the 2020 Power Struggle."

Ben Tayag '21 shares two articles on COVID-19 spike in the Dakotas: from the Wall Street Journal, "COVID-19 is Worse in the Dakotas Now Than It Was in the Spring's Hot Spots" and "Another Grim Milestone Leaves North Dakota 'Stunned and Hurting' with Over 500 COVID-19 Deaths," in the Fargo, N.D.-based Inforum.com.