Program Type

Students will complete a full year of biochemistry with lab, exploring concepts and techniques fundamental to the field of biochemistry. Given the inherent interdisciplinary nature of biochemistry, students in the concentration will also explore a variety of biology and chemistry courses beyond the requirements of their major (biology or chemistry). Finally, students will engage in a year-long independent research project, applying the skills they have developed throughout their coursework to address pressing scientific questions in a real-world research setting.  

Areas of Study

The biochemistry concentration is intimately intertwined with modern avenues of research. Through one-on-one pursuits with faculty in the chemistry and biology departments, students can pursue research in a variety of fields, including:

  • Physical, organic, inorganic and analytical chemistry
  • Genetics
  • Molecular and cellular biology
  • Human health and disease
  • Immunology
  • Neurobiology
  • Microbiology
  • Developmental biology


Concentration students completing the Biology major must include: 

  • CHEM 181, CHEM 221, CHEM 222, CHEM 231
  • A full year of Biochemistry with Lab.
  • At least one upper-level Biology course with a lab that is molecular in nature (e.g., Genetics, Cell Biology, Microbiology or another course approved by the concentration directors) as part of their major-required courses.
  • A semester of physics.
  • A 300-level course in Chemistry (e.g., Instrumental Chemistry and Analytical Methods, Chemical Thermodynamics, Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy, Inorganic Chemistry, Advanced Biochemistry, Biophysical Chemistry, Molecular Pharmacology, or another course approved by the concentration directors).
    • Please note that some of these chemistry courses have attached labs and/or additional prerequisites that will not be waived.

Concentration students completing the chemistry major must include: 

  • A full year of Biochemistry with Lab.
  • BIO 161
  • One upper-level Biology course with a lab that is molecular in nature (e.g., Genetics, Cell Biology, Microbiology, or another course approved by the concentration directors).
    • Please note that some upper division biology courses have additional prerequisites that will not be waived.

  • Successful completion of the course requirements for a major in Chemistry or Biology.
  • A full year of research or the equivalent, leading to a thesis with a public defense at the Academic Conference. Students will identify a research advisor during their junior year, present a thesis prospectus in the fall of their senior year, and submit a written update early in the spring semester of their senior year.
  • A cumulative GPA of 3.0 in all math and science courses, including labs.
  • Fulfillment of the course requirements, including end-of-year presentations and seminars, set by the research advisor of the full-year research project. (Note that it is possible to fulfill the research requirement in an off-campus lab. If you elect this option, the Biochemistry committee member from your major department will serve as your on-campus research advisor).
  • Submission of a bound thesis, including a thesis acceptance cover sheet signed by the research advisor (and a second reader at advisor's and student's discretion), to the Biochemistry committee before the last day of class during senior year.

  • Students interested in the concentration must apply during the spring semester of their second year and have declared a major in biology or chemistry.
  • A meeting is held each spring for interested first- and second-year students.  Applications to the Concentration are processed through the program's Canvas page.  There, you can download the application instructions and the Excel template for GPA calculations. Applications for 2025 can be submitted via Canvas and are due Feb. 14th at 3 p.m.
    • Please email Prof. Mills to be added to the Canvas page.

Sample Classes

  • Biochemistry 1
  • Biochemistry 2
  • Biochemistry 1 Lab
  • Biochemistry 2 Lab

Alumni of the Biochemistry Concentration

  • Sarah Carter, Chemistry, Mills Lab, Dartmouth PhD program
  • Christopher Clark, Chemistry, Bellin Lab
  • Zach Lawrence, Biology, Bellin Lab

  • Josie Ascione, Chemistry, Isaacs Lab, Medical Assistant (Premed)
  • Gabrielle Aucello, Chemistry, Bellin Lab, Research Lab (Premed)
  • Mya Beausoleil, Chemistry, Linton Lab, (Pre-Pharm)
  • Sarah Cahill, Biology, Sheehy Lab, PhD Program UMass Med
  • Henry Cavanaugh, Chemistry, Linton Lab, PhD student Illinois
  • Allison Maher, Chemistry, Bellin Lab, PhD Student Boston College
  • Caitlin McCutcheon, Biology, Bellin Lab, Ratio Therapeutics
  • Zach Nicholson, Biology, Mondoux Lab, Research Tech MGH

  • Katherine Fazekas, Chemistry, Sculimbrene Lab, Americorps
  • Sarah Guay, Biology, Findlay Lab, MGH Research Assistant
  • Charlie Millard, Biology, Sheehy Lab, PhD Student, Johns Hopkins

  • Ryan Barrett, Chemistry, FIndlay Lab, Research Assistant, MGH
  • Erin Flaherty, Chemistry, Hagan Lab, Medical Assistant (Pre-PA)
  • Bella Jankowski, Chemistry, Mills Lab, PhD Student, UMass Amherst
  • Lianne Ryan, Chemistry, Isaacs Lab
  • Sean Tarrant, Biology, Mills Lab, MD Student Loyola Chicago

  • Alexandra Cawood, Chemistry, Mills Lab, Med Student, W. Virginia School of Osteopathic Med.
  • Cameron Curley, Chemistry, Hagan Lab, MD Student, BU
  • Olivia Lloyd, Biology, Bellin Lab, Lab Assistant, Inari
  • Christopher Woodilla, Chemistry, Hagan Lab, PhD Student, UMass Med

  • Michael Chaoui, Chemistry, Isaacs Lab
  • Pat Exconde, Chemistry, Mills Lab, PhD Student, UPenn
  • Alex Kui, Chemistry, Herrick Lab, Research Assistant MGH
  • Abby Lynch, Biology, Mills Lab, Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Josh Nicholson, Chemistry, Isaacs Lab, PHD Student
  • Elizabeth Sisko, Chemistry, Sculimbrene Lab, PHD Student

  • Paul Endres, Chemistry, Sculimbrene Lab, MD student, Thomas Jefferson
  • Rachel Ferrara, Biology, Sheehy Lab, Medical Assistant, Brown U
  • C.J. Janton, Biology, Mills Lab, DO/PHD student
  • Tommy Kalantzakos, Biology, Ober Lab
  • Christian Ramsoomair, Chemistry, Mills lab, MD/PhD student, Miami
  • Jake Sbarbaro, Biology, Ober Lab

  • Melissa Connolly, Biology, Bellin Lab, ESTEEM program, Notre Dame
  • Anthony Criscitiello, Biology, Ober lab, MD Student, Wake Forest
  • Jeeva Jacob, Biology, Paxson lab
  • Adam Millham, Chemistry, Quinn lab, Ph.D. student, Dartmouth
  • Chris Minteer, Chemistry, Mills lab, PhD, Yale
  • Emily Popp, Chemistry, Farrell lab, JVC Northwest
  • Lauren Riley, Biology, Mondoux lab, Research Tech, MGH
  • Wanlin Zhang, Chemistry, Mills lab, DDS, Tuoro