Holy Cross is a pioneer in the national chemistry education community.
The Department of Chemistry's curriculum provides students with a strong background in fundamental principles and theories of chemistry with hands-on experience using state-of-the-art laboratory equipment.

Why Study Chemistry?
Students learn introductory chemistry from our guided inquiry "Discovery Chemistry" approach, which serves as a model for the national chemistry education community. Holy Cross undergraduates gain experience with modern instrumentation in upper level labs, and can participate in collaborative research with Chemistry faculty, who are committed to giving students opportunities within their research. As of result of these opportunities, students of the program regularly contribute to scientific publications and travel to professional conferences. Our formula for success has led the chemistry department to produce among the nation’s highest number of chemistry graduates and is a top baccalaureate origin for Ph.D.s in chemistry.
Courses of Study
Chemistry: Major
The approach to teaching chemistry at Holy Cross is distinct from most schools, in that it integrates lecture and lab, with lab driving the course in order to introduce concepts through student application of the scientific method, as done in research.
Biochemistry: Concentration
Offered jointly by the departments of biology and chemistry, and drawing upon the expertise of faculty in both disciplines, the biochemistry concentration encourages and fosters learning about the chemistry that underlies biological structure and function.
Meet Your Department Chair