Developing an informed understanding of the living world is an important aspect of a liberal arts education.
The biology department offers a wide array of classroom and student research experiences that explore the major sub-disciplines of biology, as well as the implications of modern biology for various social and ethical issues.

Why Study Biology?
At the Department of Biology at Holy Cross, teaching approaches take an inclusive lens, span from traditional lecture to discovery-oriented learning, and expose students to the use of state-of-the-art equipment in teaching and research labs. Students have opportunities to supplement coursework with research positions on campus, throughout the U.S. and overseas. They frequently co-author papers with faculty mentors and participate in presentations at regional, national and international scientific meetings. More than 80 percent of graduates attend graduate school in some area of biology or a health-related professional school (medical, dental, veterinary, etc.) within four years of graduation. Many of these former students enter top-ranked graduate or professional programs in their areas.
Courses of Study
Biology: Major
The biology department is supported by faculty members with broad research interests, who are active scholars, and who guide students in the development of their academic plan of study. The department also makes extensive use of nearby sites for field studies that are central to ecological and evolutionary biology.
Biochemistry: Concentration
Open to biology and chemistry majors, the competitive concentration expands upon the foundations of these traditional fields of study, preparing you for graduate and medical studies, careers in the biopharmaceutical industry and other post-graduate endeavors.
Meet Your Department Chair