The Application Process
Watch your inbox for a call for proposals in the Fall semester. Successful proposals include a clear statement of the project’s purpose and importance, a focused set of primary sources that will provide the basis of the project (even if you’re creating the primary sources), a statement of how the student/faculty team will work together over the summer, and a sense of any budget expenses.
Important Dates
January 31, 2023 -- 4:00-5:00 p.m. -- Info-session – Hogan Suite A
February 7, 2023 -- 7:00-8:00 p.m. -- Research proposal writing workshop – Hogan Suite A
February 1 – Application portal opens on MyHC.
February 24 – Application is due.
March 7 – Mentor’s recommendation is due.
March 20 -- Students are notified of their selection status.
April 3 -- Deadline for students to accept summer research offers.
April 13 – Organizational meeting, TBD *** subject to change
TBD -- Deadline for online housing application.
The Weiss program runs from Monday, June 5, and ends on Friday, July 28.
Housing will be available on Sunday, June 4 through Saturday, July 29.
For More Information
To meet with Prof. Cashman to review your project, please contact Diane Girard at to set up an appointment.
Tony Cashman
Director, Summer Research Program in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Fine Arts
Smith 333