Aaron M. Seider


Classics Department

Professor and Dean of the Faculty
Ph.D., University of Chicago
A.B, Brown University

Fields: Latin literature; human landscapes of ancient Italy; gender in antiquity and its reception; constructions of memory in Roman culture


Contact Information

Email: aseider@holycross.edu
Office Phone: 508-793-3976
Office: Fenwick 117
PO Box: 117A




Aaron Seider is Dean of Faculty and Professor of Classics at the College of the Holy Cross. His interests include the landscapes of the ancient Mediterranean; gender in antiquity and its reception; and the construction of memory in Roman culture.


  • Fall 2024
    • Opening Classics (co-taught with Prof. Elizabeth Knott)
  • Spring 2025
    • Opening Classics (co-taught with Prof. Danielle Candelora)



Memory in Vergil's Aeneid: Creating the Past (2013 - Cambridge University Press)

Articles & Book Chapters

“Shared Suffering and Cyclical Destruction: Failures of Environmental Control in the Aeneid” Conversing with Chaos in Greco‐Roman Antiquity: Writing and Reading Environmental Disorder in Ancient Texts 2024

“Epic Remembrances: Contesting the Gender of Memory in Brand New Ancients and Dido’s Lament” Antiquity in Progress 2024

“Remembering the Future in Tacitus’ Annals: Germanicus’ Death and Contests of Commemoration” Future Thinking in Roman Culture: New Approaches to History, Memory, and Cognition, 2022

“A Landscape of Control? Aeneid 8 and Environmental Agency” Vita Latina 2021

“Gendered Patterns: Constructing Time in the Communities of Catullus 64” 2020

Grief, Distance, and Shadows in Aen. 12.945-52: A Sphragis for the  Book of Vergil The Classical Journal 113: 303-33   2018 (PDF)

Allure without Allusion: Quoting a Virgilian Epitaph in a 9/11 Memorial Interfaces 38: 173-94  2016- 2017

Genre, Gallus, and Goats: Expanding the Limits of Pastoral in  Eclogues 6 and 10” Vergilius 62: 3-23 2016

Catullan Myths: Gender, Mourning, and the Death of a Brother” Classical Antiquity 35: 279-314 2016

"Time’s Path and the Historian’s Agency: Morality and Memory in Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae”   Epekeina: International Journal of Ontology, History and Critics 4: 141-75   [Special volume: Evil, Progress, and Fall: Moral Readings of Time and Cultural Development in Roman Literature ]  2014

The Boundaries of Violence in Horatius’ Battles (Livy 1.22-26)” (New England Classical Journal)  2012

“Competing Commemorations: Apostrophes of the Dead in the Aeneid"  (American Journal of Philology)  2012