Media Resource Center

The Media Resource Center is a multi-purpose lab located in 324 Stein.

We offer small-scale print availability, media work, scanning access, on-site staff for assistance with media projects. We house staff for the Educational Design and Digital Media Services department, Audio Visual. We are nighttime tech support for Edith Stein Hall.

A quick introduction video:

Need a tutorial on the systems in the classrooms? Want to create a video, or audio project? Thinking about future courses, instructional videos, or your classroom assignment that feels overwhelming?

We are happy to offer assistance to anyone on campus with questions about preparing materials for a presentation or using and preparing for a sound/filming event. We are able to provide most inquiries with a starting point and direct others to departments that can handle in-depth needs  Please call us with questions at our service desk 2529, drop in  at the lab with our student and full-time staffor email

Need to borrow projectors, cables, mikes, cameras, etc. or have broken AV equipment?

Computer, password or access issues?