Montserrat Directors

As a special program within the Holy Cross curriculum, Montserrat is guided by faculty members, including a director of the overall program and a director for each cluster. These professors are deeply involved in all cluster-related activities, widening the group of faculty members you will get to know as mentors.

Alison Bryant Ludden


Montserrat Director

Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Fields: Adolescent development, youth risk and resiliency, motivation and schooling, adolescents' use of caffeine and other substances, and civic engagement
Office: Smith 002  PO Box: 114A  Phone: (508) 793-3003
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Jorge Santos

man with black cowboy hat, glasses and checkered shirt blue and white

Montserrat Cluster Director, Contemporary Challenges

Associate Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
Ph.D., University of Connecticut
Fields: Ethnic American Literature; Immigrant/Migrant Literature; Ethnic Studies; American Cultural Studies; Graphic Narrative; Asian American Literature
Office:  O'Kane 460  Phone: 508-793-3460
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Shawn Maurer

woman with shoulder length hair and green, blue, yellow pattered shirt

Montserrat Cluster Director, Core Human Questions

Professor, English
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Fields: 18th Century British literature and Culture; History and Theory of the Novel; Satire; Feminist and Critical Theory; Women's and Gender Studies; Women Writers; Female Modernism, esp. Dorothy Richardson; 19th and 20th Century Anglo-American Women's Poetry
Office: Fenwick 229   Phone: 508-793-3444
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Susan Crawford Sullivan


Montserrat Cluster Director, Divine 

Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Ph.D., Harvard University
Fields: religion, poverty and public policy, family,community-based learning, and Catholic social teaching 
Office: Beaven 225 Phone: (508) 793-2531
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Gwenn Miller

professor gwenn miller, history department

Montserrat Cluster Director, Global Society

Associate Professor 
Advisor, Department of History Honors
Ph.D., Duke University
Fields: Colonial and Revolutionary Era America, Native America, Comparative Empire and the Global Connections of Early America
Office: O'Kane 385 Phone: (508) 793-3449
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Madigan Haley


Montserrat Cluster Director, Natural World

Associate Professor  
(Ph.D. University of Virginia)
Fields: 20th- and 21st-Century British Literature; Comparative World Literatures; Transnational Modernism; History and Theory of the Novel; Postcolonial and Global Studies
Office: Fenwick 223   Phone: 508-793-2523
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Denise Schaeffer

professor schaeffer

Montserrat Cluster Director, Self

Ph.D., Fordham University
Fields: History of political philosophy; philosophy and literature; feminist theory
Office: Fenwick 307  Phone: 508-793-3403
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