Find resources below on course selection, application preparations, advising and more.
Information for Current Incoming, First- and Second-Year Students
- If you are interested in applying to medical, dental, PA, NP, or another health professional graduate school after Holy Cross, below are some helpful resources, including a Course Planning Worksheet.
Online Resources
The following are useful and important websites for health professions school applicants.
AAMC (American Association of Medical Colleges)
- Essential reading for allopathic medical school applicants
- Includes link to AMCAS, the online medical school application for all allopathic programs
AACOM (American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine)
- Essential reading for osteopathic medical school applicants
- Includes link to AACOMAS, the online medical school application for all osteopathic programs
NEAAHP (Northeast Association of Advisors for the Health Professions)
- The website for the regional association of premedical advisors
Post-Baccalaureate programs (from Association of American Medical Colleges)
- Resource for finding various types of post-baccalaureate programs, from "career changer" (to take required science courses the first time) to "academic record enhancement" (for students who finished premed courses in college but need to take more courses to be competitive)
Other Health Professions
- Links to Health Professions Websites (from NEAAHP)
- AAVMC (Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges)
- Essential reading for veterinary school applicants
- Includes link to VMCAS, the online veterinary school application
- ADEA (American Dental Education Association)
- AANP (American Academy of Nurse Practitioners)
- AAPA (American Academy of Physician Assistants)
- APMA (American Podiatric Medicine Association)
- ASCO (Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry)
- APTA (American Physical Therapy Association)
- AOTA (American Occupational Therapy Association)
- APHA (American Public Health Association)
- PublicHealthOnline (Search tool)
National Scholarships for Medical School
- NHSC (National Health Service Corps, from US DHHS)