Robert Bellin
Professor, Dean for the Class of 2028, Co-Director of Biochemistry Program

My research group focuses primarily on the biochemistry of a family of transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycans known as syndecans. Through a multi-faceted approach including protein purification, cell culture, microscopy and molecular interaction assays, studies in my lab focus on examining the roles that syndecan proteins play in both normal cell function and in disease states. Our current efforts are focused on the exploring the functions that syndecan proteins play in focal adhesion formation and mechanotransduction, as well as in the diseases neurofibromatosis type-2 and breast cancer.
Recent Publications
Stanton, M.M, A. Parrillo*, G.M. Thomas, W.G. McGimpsey, Q. Wen, R.M. Bellin, C.R. Lambert (2015) Fibroblast extracellular matrix and adhesion on micro-textured polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) scaffolds. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B Appl Biomater. 103:861-869.{PubMed link}
Werfel, J., S. Krause, A.G. Bischof, R.J. Mannix, H. Tobin, Y. Bar-Yam, R.M. Bellin, and D.E. Ingber (2013) How Changes in Extracellular Matrix Mechanics and Gene Expression Variability Might Combine to Drive Cancer Progression. PLoS ONE 8:e76122. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0076122 {Open access article}
Steward, R.L, C.M. Cheng, J.D. Ye*, R.M. Bellin and P.R. LeDuc (2011) Mechanical Stretch and Shear Flow Induced Reorganization and Recruitment of Fibronectin in Fibroblasts Nature: Scientific Reports 1:147.{PubMed link}
Cheng, C.M., Y.W, Lin, R.M. Bellin, R.L. Steward, Y.R. Cheng, P.R. LeDuc, and C.C. Chen (2010) Probing Localized Neural Mechanotransduction through Surface-Modified Elastomeric Matrices and Electrophysiology Nature Protocols 5:714-724.{PubMed link}
Bellin, R.M., M.K. Bruno, M.A, Farrow (2010) Purification and Characterization of Taq Polymerase: A 9-Week Biochemistry Laboratory Project for Undergraduate Students. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 38:11-16. {PubMed link}
Bellin, R.M., J.D. Kubicek, M.J. Frigault*, A.J. Kamien*, R.L. Steward Jr., H.M. Barnes*, M.B. DiGiacomo*, L.J. Duncan*, C.K. Edgerly*, E.M. Morse*, C.Y. Park, J.J. Fredberg, C.M. Cheng, and P.R. LeDuc. (2009) Defining the Role of Syndecan-4 in Mechanotransduction using Surface-Modification Approaches. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.106:22102-22107 {PubMed link} {Open access PDF}
Bellin, R.M. and K.V. Mills (2007) The Holy Cross Biochemistry Concentration: An Integrated Four-Year Program to Develop Undergraduate Research Scholars in Designing, Implementing, and Sustaining a Research-Supportive Undergraduate Curriculum (K.K. Karukstis and T.E. Elgren, eds.), pp. 394-396, Council on Undergraduate Research
LeDuc, P.R. and R.M. Bellin (2006) Nanoscale intracellular organization and functional architecture mediating cellular behavior. Ann. Biomed. Eng. 34:102-113 {PubMed link}
Lee, H.-S., R.M. Bellin, D.L. Walker, B. Patel, P. Powers, H. Liu, B. Garcia-Alvarez, J.M. de Pereda, R.C. Liddington, N. Volkmann, D. Hanein, D.R. Critchley and R.M. Robson (2004) Characterization of an actin-binding site within the talin FERM domain. J. Mol. Biol. 343:771-784 {PubMed link}
Robson, R.M., T.W. Huiatt, and R.M. Bellin (2004) Muscle Intermediate Filament Proteins in Methods in Cell Biology Vol. 78 (M.B. Omary and P.A. Coulombe, eds.), pp. 519-553, Elsevier Science, USA, {PubMed link}