Latin America
ANTH 266 Peoples and Cultures of Latin America
ANTH 399 Diaspora, Identity and Belonging
ECON 239 Latin American Economic Development
HIST 127 Modern Latin America
HIST 275 US-Mexican Border
HIST 277 Afro-Latin America
HIST 278 Raza e Identidad
HIST 279 America’s Colony: Puerto Rico
HIST 299 Sex and Revolution in Latin America
HIST 352 Rebels and Radical Thinkers
POLS 251 Latin American Politics
RELS 280 Liberation Theology
RELS 295 Un tal Jesus
SPAN 399 Health, Culture, and Social Justice in Latinx/America
AFST 260 Black Europe
CISS 392 The Holocaust
ECON 210 Economics of the European Union
FREN 431 Contemporary France
HIST 114 Napoleon to European Union
HIST 241 French Rebels and Revolutionaries
HIST 242 Britain and Empire, 1783-1901
HIST 243 Britain and Empire Since 1901
HIST 255 Europe: Mass Politics & Total War 1890-1945
HIST 256 Europe and the Superpowers, 1939-1991
HIST 261 Germany in the Age of Nationalism
HIST 262 Germany from Dictatorship to Democracy
ITAL 323 Introduction to Contemporary Italy
POLS 242 European Political Parties
POLS 265 European Politics
POLS 267 Politics of the European Union
PSYC 314 Science, Medicine and the Holocaust
RELS 327 Holocaust: Confronting Evil
SPAN 303 Aspects of Spanish Culture
ANTH 273 Anthropology of Africa
ANTH 251 Informal Economies
ECON 215 African Economies
HIST 196 African Colonial Lives
HIST 198 Modern Africa since 1800
HIST 296 South Africa and Apartheid
POLS 270 African Politics
STWL 235 Topics in African Cinema
Middle East
ANTH 299 Arab Women’s Worlds
HIST 291 Making of the Modern Middle East 1
HIST 292 Making of the Modern Middle East 2
HIST 392 Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
POLS 235 Islamic Political Thought
POLS 272 Politics of the Middle East
RELS 147 Judaism
RELS 107 Islam
RELS 315 Islamic Philosophy & Theology
ENGL 399 Visualizing the Vietnam War
HIST 155 World War II in East Asia
HIST 282 Modern China
HIST 298 Asian Revolutions
HIST 299 British Empire and Gandhi
HIST 299 Mao and Memory
PHIL 361 Confucian Values and Human Rights
POLS 276 South Asian Politics
POLS 278 East Asia in World Politics
RELS 107 Islam
RELS 108 Hinduism
SOCL 299 Social Stratification in India
Russian & Eastern Europe*
*Contingent on the availability of faculty courses
HIST 245 Imperial Russia East/West
HIST 253 The Soviet Experiment
HIST 256 Europe and the Superpowers
HIST 329 Collapse of Communism
RUSS 258 Russian Cinema