626 Results found for:

  • Joanne Caidor

    Visiting Lecturer
    Areas of Expertise African, Afro-Haitian, Hip-Hop
  • Kathryn Caldera

    Visiting Lecturer
  • Julianne Camarda

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Literature , Global Romanticism(s), Poetry and Poetics, Gender and Sexuality
  • Alessandro Camarra

    Library Metadata Assistant
  • Sarah Campbell

  • Danielle Candelora

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Egyptian archaeology, Immigration and xenophobia, Ethnicity and identity in the ancient world, Gender
  • Lindsey Caola

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Developmental psychology; adolescent development, college student motivation and well-being, educational psychology; math learning
  • Faye Caouette

    Montserrat Program Coordinator
  • Lauren Capotosto

    Associate Professor, Department Chair
    Areas of Expertise Literacy development and instruction across the lifespan, Home-school engagement, Research methods in education