
The English department offers students the opportunity to develop an appreciation of literature, literary techniques and language and a command of written expression.

Courses in the department help students to become better readers, writers and speakers, preparing them for professional fields that value effective communication, as well as for graduate study in English, rhetoric, law, medicine, business and education.

Courses of Study

English: Major

The study of English attends to literary works of the imagination — poems, plays, novels, short stories and non-fiction — and to the use of language as a means of communication. Through a wide exposure to a range of texts, students are challenged to explore the meaning of literature in a variety of contexts.

Creative Writing: Minor

The creative writing minor enables students who are not English majors to focus on the practice of creative writing, providing them with a solid grounding in literary reading as well as opportunities for interdisciplinary coursework.

Rhetoric & Composition: Minor

The English Department offers a number of courses that serve the interdisciplinary Rhetoric and Composition Minor, housed in the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.

Meet the Department Chair

Jonathan Mulrooney - Professor, Department Chair Environmental Studies , Catholic Studies

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