42 Results found for:

  • Clarissa Carvalho

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Reproductive Justice, Women`s sexual and reproductive rights
  • Stephenie Chaudoir

    Areas of Expertise Social and health psychology, stigma, disclosure, HIV/AIDS and other concealable stigmatized identities, health disparities
  • Mary Conley

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Modern Britain and Empire; Ireland and India; Imperialism and post-colonialism; History of gender, family and childhood; Maritime history
  • Dan DiCenso

    Music Department Chair, Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise History, Early Music, Chant, Rock, Hip-Hop
  • Ara Francis

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise micro sociology; deviance and social disruption; death and dying; families; qualitative methods
  • Eduardo Gonzalez

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise global liberation theologies, Catholicisms of the Global South, contemporary systematic theology, decolonial thought
  • Karen Guth

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Christian social ethics, public and political theologies, feminist ethics and theologies
  • Sarah Ihmoud

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Gender and Sexuality, Race and Ethnicity, Indigeneity and Settler Colonialism, Violence, Militarization, Occupation, Intimacy, Borderlands, Palestine, Diaspora, Transnational Black, Indigenous and Decolonial Feminisms
  • Marat Iliyasov

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise History of the Russo-Chechen interaction, Post-Soviet conflicts, Religious radicalization and governance of religions in Russia, Post-conflict developments in the former Soviet Union, Chechnya