Religious Studies
The study of religion is a quintessential task of a Jesuit, Catholic college.
Our approach to the study of religion affirms that enduring commitments to faith — while always in need of study and discernment — are reasonable, responsible and essential to human flourishing.

Why Religious Studies?
To major or minor in religious studies at Holy Cross is to undertake an integrated study, both intellectual and spiritual, of four areas central to understanding Catholicism and every faith tradition, namely: World Religions, Theology, Sacred Texts and Religious Ethics. Our courses enable you to understand and appreciate your own particular religious tradition, to situate that tradition in the wider context of other world religions and to discover how diverse religious beliefs and practices are relevant to global concerns of poverty, injustice and an environment in distress.
Course of Study
Religious Studies: Major, Minor
Our program acquaints students with the diverse aspects of the phenomenon of religion. It also enables students to pursue in-depth the particular area of their own interest.
Meet Your Department Chair