McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture

The Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J. Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture sponsors and supports programming that explores basic human questions of meaning, morality, and mutual obligation. 

Listen and Learn

Most of the McFarland Center's programs are video or audio recorded and made available online within a few days. Browse our catalog of recordings under "Listen and Learn" and check out our new site on iTunes U, featuring themed collections of our most popular talks.

Catholics & Cultures

What is it like to be Catholic in Jordan, Brazil, Uganda, Germany, Hong Kong and many other places in the world? Catholics & Cultures is the first website of its kind to explore the religious lives and practices of contemporary Catholics in diverse countries and cultures around the globe.

Upcoming Events

Join us for talks that illuminate the complexities and trade-offs of moral decision-making, the richness of faith and culture and the challenges and joy inherent in the pursuit of intellectual discovery. All lectures are free and open to the public.

Following the principle that faith and learning are partners in liberal education, the McFarland Center's programs foster dialogue that respects differences and provide a forum for intellectual exchange that is interreligious as well as interdisciplinary, intercultural, and international in scope.