Rupert Shortt: Christianophobia

A Neglected Genocide in the Church's Biblical Heartlands?

Date of Lecture: September 12, 2016

Rupert ShorttAbout the Speaker: Rupert Shortt is religion editor of the Times Literary Supplement (UK). He is author of “Benedict XVI” (Hodder & Stoughton, 2005); “Rowan’s Rule: The Biography of the Archbishop” (Eerdmans Publishing, 2009); and “Christianophobia: A Faith Under Attack” (Eerdman's Publishing, 2013). His most recent book is “God is No Thing: Coherent Christianity" (Hurst Publishers, 2016).

About the Talk: Shortt provides a global perspective on Christians as victims of oppression, and points to wide-ranging roots or perpetrators of such violence. He then looks at examples of Middle Eastern countries where the victimization of Christians rises to varying levels of oppression or genocide.

His talk was co-sponsored with the W. Arthur Garrity Sr. Professorship in Human Nature, Ethics and Society and the Department of Economics and Accounting.