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Spiritual Outreach

Arrupe Immersion Program

With visits to El Salvador, Jamaica, Kenya, or Nicaragua, Arrupe Immersion is a faith- based, solidarity program responding to the Jesuit call to work for peace and justice in the world. The program exposes Holy Cross students to the reality of life in Latin America and Africa through the eyes of the economically poor and in light of the Gospel. Students encounter the poor and marginalized of other cultures through inter- personal dialogue and service.

For additional information, please contact Marty Kelly, Chaplains' Office, at

Campus Christian Fellowship

The Campus Christian Fellowship aims to spread Christ’s message of grace and salvation to the Holy Cross community, both as individuals and as a group, through example, discipleship, good works and simple presence. CCF meetings and activities provide opportunities for Christians of all denominations, as well as those inquiring about the Christian faith, to gather for prayer, worship, learning, fellowship and growth in faith. Among its activities, this student organization serves the homeless and poor in Worcester.

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McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics, and Culture 

The Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J. Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture at Holy Cross provides a place for interdisciplinary dialogue on basic human questions of meaning, morality and mutual obligation. The McFarland Center organizes lectures, conferences and forums to illuminate the complexities and trade-offs of moral decision-making, the richness of faith and culture, and the challenges and joy inherent in the pursuit of intellectual discovery. Most events are free and open to the public. Video of past events is accessible at

The McFarland Center also houses an initiative on Catholics & Cultures, an online resource for exploring the religious lives and practices of contemporary Catholics around the world. The first-of-its-kind Catholics & Cultures website ( combines scholarly articles, videos, slideshows, demographic data and bibliographies to chronicle Catholics’ experiences in a particular place and cultural context. From fervent public feasts that draw millions of devotees to worship services led by lay communities in remote villages without a priest, Catholics & Cultures offers new perspective on what it means to be a global Church.

 For additional information. please contact the Center at

Chapel Choir

The Holy Cross Chapel Choir views itself as a ministry and mission-oriented group to the campus community and be- yond. The Chapel Choir leads the sung prayer at weekly celebrations of the Mass and at special occasions on campus, and is involved in outreach off campus at Clark Manor Nursing Home and Aldersgate Methodist Church.

 For additional information please contact

College Chapels

Religious organizations from the Worcester area occasionally use the College chapels for liturgies, retreats and other spiritual gatherings. [Weddings in the College chapels are limited to College alumni/ae, employees and children of employees. Contact: Chaplain Paul Covino]

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Father Fitton House

In collaboration with the Worcester Diocese’s Father Fitton House for young men preparing for the priesthood, Holy Cross pays half the tuition for a seminarian to attend Holy Cross.

HAYES Retreat Team

The HAYES (Helping Area Youth Embrace Spirituality) Retreat Team is a group of Holy Cross students who offer spiritual retreats to Worcester diocese parish youth groups. HAYES’ mission is to utilize the deep spiritual foundation of Holy Cross students to foster Catholic dialogue with local youth.

 For additional information contact

Ministry Internship Program

Each summer and during the academic year, several Holy Cross students who are discerning a vocation in ordained or lay ministry in Catholic or Protestant churches work in parishes and other church- related organizations in Worcester and beyond. The internships, which are funded by the College, are offered free of charge to the host parishes and organizations. For Catholic ministry internships, contact Chaplain Paul Covino, pcovino@holycross. edu. For Protestant ministry internships, contact Chaplain Virginia Coakley, vcoakley@

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Pax Christi

The Holy Cross chapter of Pax Christi International meets weekly at the Campion House and has a threefold focus: to educate its members on issues of justice, war and peace; to foster a strong sense of community among its members through prayer, reflection and discussion; and to decide on specific actions to promote justice both on campus and in the greater community.

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Religious Education Catechists

Approximately 25 Holy Cross students serve as religious education catechists for one to two hours each week at nine local parishes.

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Students for Life

Holy Cross Students for Life attempts to foster increased concern and respect for human life. The group is concerned with a broad range of life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment, as well as quality of life issues such as poverty, child abuse, and the status of women. It is committed to promoting discussion on polarizing issues and sponsors a number of “dialogues” on campus. The group meets regularly to foster individual reflection, promote group community, and organize specific programs for the wider campus community.

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Weekly Collections

Collections are taken up each week at weekend worship services in the Holy Cross chapels. All the collections are donated to local, national and international charitable causes.

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Worship services are celebrated in the Holy Cross chapels when the College is in session, and are open to members of the Worcester community. This includes four weekend Masses, a Sunday Inter-Denominational Service of Praise and Worship, holy day liturgies, weekday Masses, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols, a pre-Christmas service of Scripture and music, is held in St. Joseph Memorial Chapel each December and tradition- ally begins the Christmas season for many attending Worcesterites. At the end of Lent, the College celebrates Palm Sunday Masses and the Easter Triduum liturgies in the College chapels.

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Visiting Mass Celebrants

Jesuit priests of Holy Cross are regularly called upon to celebrate Masses at various parishes in the Diocese of Worcester. Two College chaplains preside on a monthly or
bimonthly basis at worship services at two local nursing homes and the Worcester County House of Corrections. Jesuits and other chaplains also give lectures to church groups and serve on committees for the Diocese of Worcester.

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