Faculty Working Group

Sites of Conflict: Gender and Political Violence

Beginning in Fall 2018, the McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture will sponsor a faculty working group titled "Sites of Conflict: Gender and Political Violence," facilitated by Profs. Susan Amatangelo, Karen Turner and Stephanie Yuhl. Faculty in any discipline and rank are invited to join a series of meetings centered around common readings and discussions, a possible retreat, and a workshop/conference open to the public in 2019 or 2020.

They have defined political violence very broadly to stimulate conversations about the insights we gain when using a gendered approach to examine war, resistance and revolutionary movements, and other causes of displacement and dislocation. Areas of interest might range from women's roles, trauma, memory studies, environmental degradation, peacemaking, movements of peoples and border conflicts, to literary and visual representations from any time and place. The shape of these discussions will develop organically, for the goal is to inspire exchanges of insights and information from a wide range of perspectives and to offer faculty opportunities to meet as scholars as well as teachers.

The facilitators hope to encourage discussion and collaboration across disciplines among colleagues at any stage of research.