Eric Adler: Classics, the Culture Wars, and Beyond

Date of Lecture: October 21, 2016

Eric AdlerAbout the Speaker: Eric Adler is associate professor of classics at the University of Maryland. He is author of “Valorizing the Barbarians: Enemy Speeches in Roman Historiography,” published in 2011, and has published a number of journal articles and book chapters. His newest book "Classics, Culture Wars, and Beyond" is forthcoming from the University of Michigan Press in November 2016.

About the Talk: This talk explores the role of classics in higher education in early America through the post-bellum era including the culture wars. Adler considers what is lost in education when a culture no longer believes in the perfection of the human being as education's goal, preferring a skills-based approach to knowledge.

The talk is co-sponsored with the Department of Classics.