The College has a mentorship program for new faculty members. For over a decade, this program paired each new tenure-track faculty member with a tenured faculty member in another department who had volunteered to be a mentor. The mentor-mentee pair developed their own way of proceeding in terms of focus, meeting arrangements, etc. In 2019–2020, we are updating this program to a new model, one based in faculty mentoring practices recommended by the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). In this model, the new faculty member is at the center of the process, discerning what they need at this particular point in their career. That discernment then allows them to ask the right people for the specific help and advice they need. The Deans of the Faculty meet with each new faculty member in their first semester to work with them on idenfitifying their mentoring needs, and will then start connecting them to faculty on campus who have volunteered to be resources for particular mentoring needs.