Noah Berman

Associate Professor

Areas of Expertise

Clinical psychology; obsessive compulsive disorder and related conditions (e.g., body dysmorphia; trichotillomania); cognitive-behavioral therapy


Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Psychopathology
  • Research Methods
  • Processes in Psychotherapy
  • Psychopathology In Cinema

Selected Publications

Berman, N. C., Fang, A., Hoeppner, S., Reese, H., Siev, J., Timpano, K., & Wheaton, M. (2022). COVID-19 and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in a large multi-site college sample. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 33, 100727.

Berman, N. C., Hezel, D., & Wilhelm, S. (2021). Is my patient too sad to approach their fear? Depression severity and imaginal exposure outcomes for patients with OCD. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 70, 101615.

Berman, N. C., Hayaki, J., & Szkutak, A. (2020). Emotion generation and regulation following an intrusion induction: Implications for taboo or autogenous obsessions. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 69, 101593.

Berman, N. C., Summers, B., Weingarden, H., & Wilhelm, S. (2019). Positive affect and imaginal exposure processes in patients with taboo obsessions. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 23, 100474.

Berman, N. C. (2019). Treating taboo or forbidden thoughts: Integrating mindfulness, acceptance and emotion regulation into an exposure-based intervention. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy.

Berman, N. C., Weingarden, H., & Wilhelm, S. (2019). Symptom-specific threat perception mediates the relationship between obsessive beliefs and OCD symptoms. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 43(4), 705-712.

Wilhelm, S., Berman, N. C., Small, B., Porth, R., Geller, D., & Storch, E. (2018). D-cycloserine augmentation of cognitive behavior therapy for pediatric OCD: Predictors and moderators of outcome. Journal of Affective Disorders, 241, 454-460.

Berman, N. C., Shaw, A. M., Curley, E. E., & Wilhelm, S. (2018). Emotion regulation and obsessive-compulsive phenomena in youth. Journal of Obsessive and Compulsive Related Disorders, 19, 44-49.

Berman, N. C., Shaw, A., & Wilhelm, S. (2018). Emotion regulation in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder: Unique effects for those with “taboo thoughts.” Cognitive Therapy and Research, 42, 674-685.

Berman, N. C., Wilver, N., & Wilhelm, S. (2018). My child’s thoughts frighten me: Maladaptive effects associated with parents’ interpretation and management of children’s intrusive thoughts. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 61, 87-96.

Berman, N. C., Jacoby, R. J., Sullivan, A., Hoepnner, S., Micco, J., & Wilhelm, S. (2018). Parent-level risk factors for children’s obsessive beliefs, interpretation biases, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A cross-sectional examination. Journal of Obsessive and Compulsive Related Disorders, 18, 8-17.

Fang, A., Berman, N. C., Chen, J., & Zakhary, L. (2018). Treating postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder: Diagnostic and cultural considerations. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 26(2), 82-29.

 Berman, N. C., Fang, A., Hansen, N., & Wilhelm, S. (2015). Cognitive-based therapy for OCD: Role of behavior experiments and exposure processes. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 6, 158-166. 

Selected Awards

2021 - 2022. "Impact of COVID-19 on College Students’ Mental Health". COVID-19 Grant, College of the Holy Cross. Role: PI  

2019. "Reactivity and Regulation in Response to Intrusive Thoughts." Batchelor Ford Summer Fellowship, College of the Holy Cross. Role: PI 

2013-2017 "Cognitive Biases in OCD: Mechanisms of Generational Transmission." International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation. Role: PI. 

2014-2016 "Differential Effect of Positive and Negative Mood on OCD Treatment Response." Charles A. King Postdoctoral Fellowship and Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust. Role: PI.

2014-2016 "Effect of Depression on Exposure Response in OCD: Mechanisms Underlying Threat Perception and Habituation." Kaplen Fellowship in Depression at Harvard Medical School. Role: PI.

2013-2016 "Risk and Resilience Factors Associated with Cognitive Biases in OCD." Livingston Award for Young Investigators at Harvard Medical School. Role: PI.