
Students see German Studies come to life beyond the classroom through regular co-curricular programming. Study Abroad, which offers the best opportunity to learn the language and experience the culture, is also available. 

Tolle (und wichtige) Webseiten (die Links finden Sie ganz unten auf dieser Seite):
Deutsche Welle (Tagesnachrichten)
Lebendiges Museum Online (Geschichte)
Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung (Politologie)
Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Umwelt und Soziale Gerechtigkeit)
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Deutschland in Europa)
Projekt Gutenberg-De (Kostenlose Literatur)



German Honor Society

The National German Honor Society, Delta Phi Alpha, seeks to recognize excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for higher scholarship. The society aims to promote the study of the German language, literature, and civilization and endeavors to emphasize those aspects of German life and culture which are of universal value and which contribute to man's eternal search for peace and truth.

To qualify for membership, a student must have:

  • a) A minimum of two years of college or university German or their equivalent with the attainment of sophomore standing and official registration in an advanced course or its equivalent or corresponding advanced placement.
  • b) A minimum average standing of B+ or its equivalent in all German courses taken.
  • c) A minimum of B- or its equivalent in all courses of study at the college and university level.
  • d) Indication of continued interest in the study of German language and literature.

In May at our annual Maifest (a traditional German celebration of the arrival of spring), all qualified students are inducted into the National German Honor Society, Delta Phi Alpha. 


Students continue to practice their German and learn about German culture through the many programs held by the German Studies Program. In addition to daily programming, the German Studies Program also hosts:

  • Historically significant parties to celebrate holidays such as Oktoberfest or Maifest (the traditional German celebration of the arrival of spring)
  • German movie nights
  • Guest lectures
  • German dinners
  • Spaß-Tag, six-plus hours of immersion into German language and culture
  • Concerts

Field Trips

The German Studies Program occasionally hosts field trips to the following locations:

  • Busch-Reisinger Museum in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which specializes in art from Germany and Northern Europe.
  • Goethe-Institut Boston, a language school that promotes the study of German abroad and encourages international cultural exchange. Students often take in readings by German authors.
  • Gropius House in Lincoln, Massachusetts, which was built in 1938 by German architect Walter Gropius.
  • Neue Galerie in New York, a museum for German and Austrian art from the early 20th century.

German Klub 

students sitting around a table with a table cloth

German Studies faculty, including the foreign language assistant, meet with students to watch German films, play German games, explore the campus, and converse

German Klub Schedule (start: 2nd week of the semester)





Bamberg vs HC





8:45 Uhr
in Stein 461
19:30 Uhr
vor Stein 461
15.30 Uhr
in Stein 461
19.30 Uhr 
vor  Stein 461
16.15 Uhr
vor Stein 461
Prof. Grek
Nate Jablonksi,
aka Jabo
Ko-Präsident des Deutschklubs
Frau Prof. GrekHerr Weniger Meaghan O’Sadnick,
aka Meg
Ko-Präsidentin des Deutschklubs

Study Abroad


Bamberg, Germany

Students studying German are encouraged to augment their studies by studying abroad in Germany during their third year at Holy Cross. The fully-immersive program, which enrolls students at the University of Bamberg, allows students to perfect their German and experience German culture first-hand.

Students who study in Bamberg during their junior year major not only in German, but also in another field, especially international studies. Please discuss your options with your major advisor beforehand to ensure proper transfer of credits. All students must have completed at least Intermediate German or its equivalent prior to beginning their studies in Germany. In addition, all students enroll in an intensive language course in Bamberg before they begin their studies.

"Deutsch als Fremdsprache" (German as a foreign language) courses will offer choices, especially for the first semester. Over the course of the year at the University of Bamberg, you will accumulate 40 to 45 European Credit Transfers.

In the past, students have enrolled in some of the following courses:

  • LANG 500: Contrast Linguistics German-English
  • GERM 511: Bamberg Culture
  • GERM 515: German Stereotypes and Mentality
  • GERM 530: Creative Writing and Speech
  • GERM 550: Phonetics 2 
  • GERM 552: Listening Comprehension 2
  • GERM 557: German Preparatory course
  • GERM 558: Intro Seminar History German Language

The University of Bamberg also offers a number of courses in English, including: 

  • HIST 516: German Empire to World War II
  • HIST 517: Old Empire to German Empire
  • PLS 514: Security Politics in Europe 
  • POLS 515: Foreign Policy and Security
  • GERM 516 International Institutions and Global Governance
  • POLS 517: Spain after the 2016 Election
  • Sociology Reading Course: States, Revolutions, Social Movements
  • Sociology: Methods in Sociophonetics
  • Computer Science: Introduction to Security and Privacy
  • Computer Science: Ethics for the Digital Society
  • Psychology: Pain--Psychology & Physiology
  • Economics: Organisation Theory
  • Research Methods: Economics: Managing Dynamic Organisations)

About Bamberg

From the 10th century onwards, Bamberg became an important link with the Slav peoples, especially those of Poland and Pomerania. During its period of greatest prosperity, from the 12th century onwards, the architecture of Bamberg strongly influenced northern Germany and Hungary. In the late 18th century it was the center of the Enlightenment in southern Germany, with eminent philosophers and writers such as Hegel and Hoffmann living there.

Get detailed information about studying at the University of Bamberg (PPT).

For more information, please contact either Sylvia Schmitz-Burgard, associate professor of German Studies.

Summer Programs

The Goethe Institute offers courses in the summer. The four-week courses meet twice a week and can be taken in lieu of GERM 201/2, one of which counts towards the German Studies major or minor.

The Summer Internship Program in Germany, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) provides an excellent opportunity for students and recent graduates to gain international work experience in Germany, improve their German language skills and experience German culture firsthand.

Summer Intensive Language Studies in Germany

The DAAD German Academic Exchange Service offers scholarships to students and graduates to spend their summer in Germany improving their knowledge of German and their cultural knowledge of the country. Sophomores or upper-level students who have completed at least GERM 101/2 can apply.