Areas of Study

The German Studies program offers language courses ranging from elementary to advanced level, and many literature and cultural courses. While many courses are taught in German, the program offers literature and culture courses in English, as well as German, for students with little or no background in the language. Popular courses have included:

  • German Composition and Conversation
  • German Cinema
  • Contemporary German Literature
  • Metropolis Berlin


Language placement procedures for all languages can be accessed via the STAR student system.  A language placement tile is displayed on the STAR dashboard. 

You must follow the language placement procedures if 1) you have already studied a language that you wish to continue at Holy Cross, or 2) you have any knowledge of the language through family or community.

Students need to enroll in a minimum of 10 courses starting at the elementary level with GERM 102 or GERM 103

Required courses are:

Germ 301 (advanced language) provides a thorough review of German grammar and an introduction to literary genres.

Two culture courses, German 303 and 304 or equivalent, to complement the remaining seven courses.

Two courses on a German topic may be taken in English, since majors need to enhance their knowledge of German thought and culture through allied courses in art, history, philosophy and political science. 

Majors who study abroad are required to take at least one German course at Holy Cross in their fourth year.

Students need to enroll in a minimum of six courses starting at the elementary level with GERM 102 or GERM 103.

Required courses are:

Germ 301 (advanced language) provides a thorough review of German grammar and an introduction to literary genres.

One culture course, German 303 and 304 or equivalent, to complement the remaining three courses.

One course on a German topic may be taken in English, since minors need to enhance their knowledge of German thought and culture through allied courses in art, history, philosophy and political science. 

Suggested courses include, but are not limited to:

HIST 161

HIST 162

MUSC 30*

MUSC 40*

MUSC 215

MUSC 216

PHIL 141

PHIL 144

PHIL 145

PHIL 268

PHIL 270

PHIL 275

PHIL 280

PHIL 283

PHIL 291

RELS 127

*Course counts provided it deals with a German or Austrian composer.

Sample Courses

Course Catalog
  • Elementary German 1
  • Intermediate German 1
  • German Practicum
  • German Culture 1750-1890
  • Contemporary German Literature


Students see German Studies come to life beyond the classroom through regular cocurricular programming.

Study Abroad

Students studying German are encouraged to augment their studies by studying abroad in Germany during their third year at Holy Cross. The fully-immersive program, which enrolls students at the University of Bamberg, allows students to perfect their German and experience German culture first-hand.

Summer Intensive Language Studies in Germany

The DAAD German Academic Exchange Service offers scholarships to students and graduates to spend their summer in Germany improving their knowledge of German and their cultural knowledge of the country. Sophomores or upper-level students who have completed at least GERM 101/2 can apply.

Events & Field Trips

Students continue to practice their German and learn about German culture through the many programs, events and field trips held by the German Studies Program.

Awards, Honors & Fellowships

The National German Honor Society, Delta Phi Alpha, recognizes excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for higher scholarship. German Studies students also have several opportunities to continue their study of German abroad. Thirty-seven Holy Cross students have been granted Fulbright English Teaching Fellowships in Germany, Fulbright English Teaching Fellowships in Austria, Fulbright Research Fellowship or a DAAD Fellowship to pursue post-baccalaureate research projects.