Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Brandeis University
Fields: American poetry after 1850; African American literature; urban experience in modern American poetry; urban ecology; multicultural literature; global women writers; the literature of exile
Contact Information
Office: Fenwick 230
Office Hours: MWF 12:30-1:30pm (in person) & by appt.
I am a Czech/US binational scholar, poet, and translator. My scholarly work has been published in African American Review, the CEA Critic and Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal. My poetry and translations have appeared in The Sunlight Press, Circumference: Poetry in Translation, and Asymptote’s Translation Tuesdays blog and my nonfiction in Persephone’s Daughters, Indiana Review and Nowhere Magazine.
My book manuscript, entitled Unplanned Cities in Modern American Poetry: Lyrical Challenges to Utopianism is currently under review at Bloomsbury Publishing, Inc.
Courses Taught
- Modern Poetry and After
- International Women Writers
- Place, Displacement, and Memory in Exile Literature
- Urban Experience in Modern American Literature
- Literature and Culture of the Americas
- American Women Writers
- American Poets Post WWII
- Modern and Contemporary Poetry in Translation
- Multicultural Literatures