Areas of Study

Our computer science faculty's scholarship in a variety of research areas enhances the classroom experience, enabling the program to offer courses in diverse areas:

  • Algorithms and theory of computation

  • Artificial intelligence, data mining and machine learning

  • Computer networks, operating systems and security

  • Programming languages and compiler construction


  • CSCI 131, CSCI 132, CSCI 135 (or MATH 243), CSCI 226, CSCI 235, CSCI 324, CSCI 328

  • at least three elective CSCI courses numbered above 300

  • CSCI 131, CSCI 132, CSCI 135 (or MATH 243), CSCI 226

  • either two additional 300-level courses, or CSCI 235 (Analysis of Algorithms) and an additional 300-level course.

Students with a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Computer Science A exam earn one unit of credit for CSCI 131, Techniques of Programming and are advised to enroll in CSCI 132, Data Structures. Students who experienced significant disruptions to their AP courses in Spring 2020, and students who are not confident of their programming skills, are encouraged to contact the Computer Science Coordinator for advice on selecting an appropriate course. Students with AP Computer Science A credit will forfeit their AP credit if they opt to take either CSCI 131 or CSCI 110. AP Computer Science A credit counts towards fulfilling course major or minor requirements.

A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Computer Science Principles exam will earn one unit of credit for CSCI 110, Survey of Computer Science. This course does not count toward fulfilling the computer science major or minor requirements. Regardless of score, all students who have taken AP Computer Science Principles are encouraged to take CSCI 131.

A score of 4 or 5 on either AP Computer Science exam fulfills the common requirement for mathematics.

Sample Courses

Course Catalog
  • Techniques of Programming
  • Data Structures
  • Discrete Structures
  • Computer Systems & Organization
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • Programming Languages: Design and Implementation
  • Ethical Issues in Computer Science
  • Data Mining
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Graphics

Meet Your Program Coordinator

Zack Fitzsimmons - Associate Professor, Computer Science Coordinator Computer Science

Meet all Faculty and Staff

All Faculty & Staff



Research with faculty, both during the academic year and over the summer as part of Weiss Summer Science Research program.

Clubs & Organizations

Math and Computer Science Club sponsors student-centered events throughout the year, including a weekly tea and games. The Math and Computer Science Mentorship program pairs first-year students with junior and senior majors. The Student Chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) organizes social events and professional development opportunities that align with AWM’s goal to promote equitable opportunity and gender-inclusivity across the mathematical sciences.


The Rev. John J. MacDonnell Prize in Computer Science may be awarded to the outstanding computer science major in each graduating class. The selection is based on whether students have chosen challenging course programs, the grades they have earned in their courses and also takes into account any research projects they may have worked on and their plans after graduation.

Graduate Opportunity

The 3-2 Engineering Program with Columbia University or the Collaborative Accelerated Master’s Program with Worcester Polytechnic Institute provide the opportunity to combine the study of mathematics with training in engineering. Both engineering programs are open to students of all majors and class years. Advisors offer one-on-one guidance to connect you to the resources and tools that will enable you to achieve your individual career goals.

Engineering Programs