Students with a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Computer Science A exam earn one unit of credit for CSCI 131, Techniques of Programming and are advised to enroll in CSCI 132, Data Structures. Students who experienced significant disruptions to their AP courses in Spring 2020, and students who are not confident of their programming skills, are encouraged to contact the Computer Science Coordinator for advice on selecting an appropriate course. Students with AP Computer Science A credit will forfeit their AP credit if they opt to take either CSCI 131 or CSCI 110. AP Computer Science A credit counts towards fulfilling course major or minor requirements.
A score of 4 or 5 on the AP Computer Science Principles exam will earn one unit of credit for CSCI 110, Survey of Computer Science. This course does not count toward fulfilling the computer science major or minor requirements. Regardless of score, all students who have taken AP Computer Science Principles are encouraged to take CSCI 131.
A score of 4 or 5 on either AP Computer Science exam fulfills the common requirement for mathematics.