William Reiser

Professor - On leave until Fall 2025

Areas of Expertise

New Testament Theology, Christology, Christian Spirituality, Systematic Theology.


Ph.D., Vanderbilt University


Fr. Reiser has been teaching theology at the College since 1978. Each semester he offers the course Understanding Jesus, which introduces students to a close reading of Mark’s Gospel (the course led to his writing Jesus in Solidarity with His People: A Theologian Looks at Mark). He has also made many trips to Bolivia, both to teach mini-courses on Scripture and Catholic social doctrine, and to study Andean culture and theology. In alternate years, in the fall, he offers Teología Andina, which includes a week of study in La Paz. A very different course—Defense Against the Dark Arts—is about hope and imagination. The class is designed for avid readers of JK Rowling.