Kelly Wolfe-Bellin

Senior Lecturer and Director of Biology Laboratories

Areas of Expertise

Ecology Botany Environmental Science


Ph.D., Iowa State University


  • Introduction to Biol Diversity and Ecology
  • Biological Statistics
  • Environmental Science
  • Biological Principles

Flynn, D.F.B, B. Schmid, J.-S. He, K.S. Wolfe-Bellin, and F.A. Bazzaz. 2008. Hierarchical reliability in experimental plant assemblages. Journal of Plant Ecology 1(1): 59-65.

Wolfe-Bellin, K.S., J.-S. He, and F.A. Bazzaz. 2006. Leaf-level physiology, biomass and reproduction of Phytolacca americana under conditions of elevated carbon dioxide and increased nocturnal temperature. International Journal of Plant Sciences 167(5): 1011-1020.

He, J.-S., K.S. Wolfe-Bellin, B. Schmid, and F.A. Bazzaz. 2005. Density may alter diversity-productivity relationships in experimental plant communities. Basic and Applied Ecology 6: 505-517.

He, J.-S., K.S. Wolfe-Bellin, and F.A. Bazzaz. 2005. Leaf-level physiology, biomass and reproduction of Phytolacca americana under conditions of elevated CO2 and altered temperature regimes. International Journal of Plant Sciences 166(4): 615-622.

He, J.-S., D.F.B. Flynn, K. Wolfe-Bellin, J. Fang, and F.A. Bazzaz. 2005. CO2 and nitrogen, but not population density, alter size and C/N ratio of Phytolacca americana seeds. Functional Ecology 19: 437-444.

Wolfe-Bellin, K.S., and K.A. Moloney. 2001. Successional vegetation dynamics on pocket gopher mounds in an Iowa tallgrass prairie. Pages 155-163 in N. P. Bernstein and L. J. Ostrander, editors. Proceedings of the Seventeenth North American Prairie Conference. North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City, Iowa, USA.

Wolfe-Bellin, K.S., and K.A. Moloney. 2000. The effect of gopher mounds and fire on the spatial distribution and demography of a short-lived legume in tallgrass prairie. Canadian Journal of Botany 78(10): 1299-1308.