Jodi Rymer

Lecturer and Director of Biology Laboratories

Areas of Expertise

Molecular and Cell Biology


Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley


  • Anatomy & Physiology I
  • Anatomy and Physiology 2
  • Introduction to Mechanisms of Multicellular Life


Rymer J, Choh V, Bharadwaj S, Padmanabhan V, Modilevsky L, Jovanovic E, Yeh B, Zhang Z, Guan H, Payne W and Wildsoet CF. 2007. The albino chick as a model for studying ocular developmental abnormalities, including refractive error, associated with albinism.Exp Eye Research 85(4): 431-442.

Rymer J and Wildsoet, CF. 2005. The role of the retinal pigment epithelium in eye growth regulation and myopia: a review. Vis Neurosci 22(3): 251-261.

Blaug S, Rymer J, Jalickee S, and Miller SS. 2003. P2 Purinoceptors regulate calcium activated chloride and fluid transport in 31EG4 mammary epithelia. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 284(4): C897-909

Maminishkis A, Jalickee S, Blaug SA, Rymer J, Peterson W, and Miller SS. 2002. INS37217, a P2Y2 receptor agonist, enhances fluid transport across RPE in vitro and retinal reattachment in vivo.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci  43(11): 3555-3566.

Rymer J, Miller SS, and Edelman JL. 2001. Epinephrine-induced increases in [Ca2+]in and KCl-coupled fluid absorption in bovine RPE.  Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci  42(8):1921-1929.