Holly Moulton

Assistant Professor

Areas of Expertise

Gender & Climate Justice Latin American studies Glaciers & Society


Ph.D., University of Oregon


  • Environmental Perspectives
  • Gender and Climate Justice


Holly is an interdisciplinary environmental studies scholar specializing in feminist climate change adaptation, particularly in mountain regions. Her research focuses on Quechua women’s everyday experiences of climate change adaptation and processes of ‘futuremaking’ in Peru, especially in the glaciated Peruvian Cordillera Blanca. Both her teaching and research revolve around a deep commitment to generating collaborative, community-centered knowledge spaces and promoting intersectional environmental justice.

Students who are interested in environmental and climate justice, community-based climate resilience, and climate change adaptation in Latin America and the Global South are welcome to contact me to discuss research opportunities.

Select Publications

  • Holly Moulton (2024). Indigenous women are the “guardians of Pachamama”: Territorial sovereignty is indispensable for just climate change adaptations in Peru. Global Environmental Change, 89, 102934.
  • Holly Moulton, Mark Carey (2023). Futuremaking in a disaster zone: Everyday climate change adaptation amongst Quechua women in the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca. Environmental Science & Policy, 148, 103551.
  • Mark Carey, & Holly Moulton (2023). Inequalities of ice loss: a framework for addressing sociocryospheric change. Annals of Glaciology, 64(91), 67-76.
  • A Emmer, S. Allen, M Carey, H Frey, C Huggel, O Korup, M Mergili, A Sattar, G Veh, T. Chen, S.J. Cook, M Correas-Gonzalez, S Das, A Diaz Moreno, F Drenkhan, M Fischer, W. Immerzeel, E Izagirre, R Chandra Joshi, I Kougkoulos, R Kuyakanon Knapp, D Li, U Majeed, S Matti, H Moulton, F Nick, V Piroton, I Rashid, M Reza, A Ribeiro de Figueiredo, C Riveros, F Shrestha, M Shrestha, J Steiner, N Walker-Crawford, J Wood, and J C. Yde (2022). “Progress and challenges in glacial lake outburst flood research (2017-2021): A research community perspective.” Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Science, 1-34.
  • Holly Moulton, Mark Carey, Christian Huggel, Alina Motschmann. (2021). “Narratives of Ice Loss: New Approaches to Shrinking Glaciers and Climate Change Adaptation.” Geoforum, 125, 47-56.
  • Alina Motschmann, Christian Huggel, Mark Carey, Holly Moulton, Noah Crawford-Walker, Randy Muñoz (2020). Losses and Damages Connected to Glacier Retreat in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. Climatic Change 162, no. 2: 837-858.
  • Mark Carey, Graham McDowell, Christian Huggel, Becca Marshall, Holly Moulton, César Portocarrero, Zachary Provant, John M. Reynolds, and Luis Vicuña, "A Socio-Cryospheric Systems Approach to Glacier Hazards, Glacier Runoff Variability, and Climate Change," in Snow and Ice Related Hazards, Risks, and Disasters, edited by Wilfried Haeberli and Colin Whiteman (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2020).
  • Mark Carey, Holly Moulton, Jordan Barton, Dara Craig, Zac Provant, Casey Shoop, Jenna Travers, Jeremy Trombley, Adriana Uscanga Castillo (2021). “Justicia Glaciar en los Andes y Mas Allá.”  Revista Ambiente, Comportamiento y Sociedad, vol. 3, no. 2:28-28.