21 Results found for:

  • Hannah Abrahamson

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Early modern Latin America, Indigenous History, Atlantic World, Colonialism, Gender, Sexuality, Digital Humanities
  • Josep Alba

    Areas of Expertise Spanish linguistics (synchronic and diachronic approaches), Romance philology (Spanish, Catalan and Italian), Syntax (collocations, Light verb constructions, noun predicates, argument structure), Diachronic Construction Grammar; applied linguistics (Spanish as a second language, curriculum design and development, teacher training)
  • Carmen Alvaro Jarrín

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Medical Anthropology, Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality, Political Anthropology
  • Rosa Carrasquillo

    Helen M. Whall Chair in Race, Gender and Social Justice, Co-Director of Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
    Areas of Expertise Caribbean and Latin American History; Visual Culture; Black Feminism
  • Clarissa Carvalho

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Reproductive Justice, Women`s sexual and reproductive rights
  • Bridget Franco

    Professor, Co-Director of Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
    Areas of Expertise Latin American Film Studies, Digital Humanities, Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay) , Literature and Memory Studies, Engaged Pedagogy in the Spanish-language Curriculum
  • Daniel Frost

    Areas of Expertise 18th- & 19th-Century Spanish Literature; Literature & Visual Technology; Landscape Studies
  • Rodrigo Fuentes

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Prose Fiction in Spanish; Narrative and Visual Arts; Central American Testimonial Literature
  • Eduardo Gonzalez

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise global liberation theologies, Catholicisms of the Global South, contemporary systematic theology, decolonial thought