42 Results found for:

  • Hannah Abrahamson

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Early modern Latin America, Indigenous History, Atlantic World, Colonialism, Gender, Sexuality, Digital Humanities
  • Carmen Alvaro Jarrín

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Medical Anthropology, Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality, Political Anthropology
  • Susan Amatangelo

    Professor, Director of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies
    Areas of Expertise Modern Italian Literature , Giovanni Verga, Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies
  • Natasha Binek

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Greek and Latin poetry, Vergil, Aphrodite/Venus, Literary treatments of erotic passion
  • Laurie Ann Britt-Smith

    Director of Center for Writing, Advisor for Rhetoric and Composition
    Areas of Expertise Rhetoric, Social Justice, Composition Studies, Writing Across the Curriculum, Professional Writing, Language and Literacy Studies, 19th Century American Literature, Humor
  • Danuta Bukatko

    Distinguished Professor Education, Professor, Psychology, Affiliate, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
    Areas of Expertise Child development, cognitive development in early childhood including memory and representation, social cognition, gender-role development
  • Sydney Carr

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise American political behavior, race, ethnicity, and politics, media and political communication
  • Rosa Carrasquillo

    Helen M. Whall Chair in Race, Gender and Social Justice, Co-Director of Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies
    Areas of Expertise Caribbean and Latin American History; Visual Culture; Black Feminism