Faculty & Staff
29 Results found for: "Sociology & Anthropology"
Inaash Islam
Assistant ProfessorAreas of Expertise Gender & Sexuality, Race & Ethnicity, Critical Muslim Studies, Anti-Muslim Racism, Islamic Feminism, Cultural Sociology -
Jeremy Jones
Associate Professor, Director, Africana StudiesAreas of Expertise political and economic anthropology; African studies; informal economy and the anthropology of development; youth and masculinity; time and temporality. -
Ann Marie Leshkowich
ProfessorAreas of Expertise social anthropology, gender, economic transformation, neoliberalism, middle classness, fashion, social work, and transnational adoption in Vietnam -
Michelle Mott
Visiting Assistant ProfessorAreas of Expertise Race, Racism, and Anti-racism; Gender; Sexuality; Reproduction of inequality; Gentrification and School Choice -
Susan Sullivan
ProfessorAreas of Expertise religion, poverty and public policy, family, community-based learning and Catholic social teaching -
Andrew Thompson
Visiting Assistant ProfessorAreas of Expertise Critical Theory, Culture, Race and Racism, Social Movements, Violence -