26 Results found for: "Religious Studies"

  • Mary Roche

    Professor, Director, Vocare Advising and Mentoring
    Areas of Expertise Catholic moral theology and social teaching, Christian ethics, virtue ethics, bioethics, feminist ethics
  • Mathew Schmalz

    Areas of Expertise Global Catholicisms, Hinduism, Catholic esotericism, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, religion and violence, religion and the erotic
  • Audrey Seah

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Liturgical studies, global Catholicism, Deaf and disability theology
  • Nathan Wood-House

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Black liberation theology, political theology, critical race studies, Blackness studies, critical theory, political philosophy
  • Mary Hobgood

    Associate Professor Emerita
    Areas of Expertise Christian social ethics, Catholic social teaching, Economic ethics, Feminist ethics
  • James Nickoloff

    Associate Professor Emeritus
    Areas of Expertise Theology of Liberation
  • Joanne Pierce

    Professor, Emerita
    Areas of Expertise Liturgical studies, Medieval Christianity, Ritual studies, Ecumenical theology
  • Katherine Barrett

    Academic Administrative Coordinator for Philosophy and Religious Studies