Faculty & Staff
17 Results found for: "Philosophy"
Omar Quinonez
Assistant ProfessorAreas of Expertise Nineteenth-century philosophy, German Idealism (Hegel and Schelling), Marx and Marxism, Critical Theory, continental philosophy (Malabou, Badiou, Meillassoux). -
May Sim
Professor, Director of Asian Studies ProgramAreas of Expertise Ancient Philosophy (Plato & Aristotle), Asian Philosophy (Confucianism & Daoism), ethics, metaphysics and human rights -
William Stempsey
Professor - On Leave until Fall 2026Areas of Expertise philosophy of medicine, medical ethics, moral philosophy -
Lawrence Cahoone
Professor EmeritusAreas of Expertise Recent European philosophy, American philosophy, Social and political philosophy, Metaphysics and natural science -
Predrag Cicovacki
Professor EmeritusAreas of Expertise Problems of good and evil, Violence and nonviolence, Philosophy of war and peace, Kant, Dostoevsky, Schweitzer, Gandhi -
Katherine Barrett
Academic Administrative Coordinator for Philosophy and Religious Studies -
Jameliah Shorter-Bourhanou
Assistant ProfessorAreas of Expertise Critical Philosophy of Race, Immanuel Kant (Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Race), African American Philosophy, Black Feminist Philosophy