Faculty & Staff
34 Results found for: "English"
Kyle Frisina
Assistant ProfessorAreas of Expertise Twentieth and Twenty-First Century American Drama and Literature, Performance Studies, Autotheory -
Matthew Gannon
Visiting Assistant ProfessorAreas of Expertise Modern British, Irish, and Caribbean literature, Modernist poetry, visual art, and film, Environmental humanities and ecocriticism, Literary theory and philosophy -
Madigan Haley
Associate Professor, Director, English Honors Program, Monsterrat Cluster DirectorAreas of Expertise 20th- and 21st-Century British Literature; Postcolonial and Global Studies, Transnational Modernism, Comparative World Literatures, History and Theory of the Novel -
Daniela Kukrechtova
Visiting Assistant ProfessorAreas of Expertise American poetry after 1850; multicultural literature, Urban ecology; global women writers, African American literature; the literature of exile, Urban experience in modern American poetry -
Shawn Lisa Maurer
ProfessorAreas of Expertise 18th Century British literature and Culture; History and Theory of the Novel, Satire; Feminist and Critical Theory, Women's and Gender Studies; Women Writers; Female Modernism, esp. Dorothy Richardson, 19th and 20th Century Anglo-American Women's Poetry -