18 Results found for: "Classics"

  • D. Neel Smith

    Professor Emeritus
    Areas of Expertise Classical archaeology, Ancient science, Digital methods in Classical studies
  • William Ziobro

    Associate Professor Emeritus
    Areas of Expertise Greek tragedy (Sophocles), American Classical tradition, American neoclassical architecture
  • Nancy Andrews

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Hellenistic poetry, Greek and Roman epic poetry, Greek and Roman mythology
  • Danielle Candelora

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Egyptian archaeology, Immigration and xenophobia, Ethnicity and identity in the ancient world, Gender
  • Jacob Damm

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Levantine Archaeology and Archaeological Science, Foodways, Human-Environment Interaction, Ancient Imperialism/Colonialism
  • Timothy Joseph

    Professor, Director, Peace and Conflict Studies
    Areas of Expertise Latin historiography and epic poetry, The reception of the Classics in the U.S.
  • Elizabeth Knott

    Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Art, history, and languages of ancient West Asia, Ritual practice, divine interactions, and histories of vision, Digital humanities and museum studies
  • Dominic Machado

    Associate Professor
    Areas of Expertise Roman history and historiography, Particularly collective action, Dissent and resistance in the late Republic and early Empire
  • Ellen Perry

    The Monsignor Murray Professor in the Arts and Humanities
    Areas of Expertise Classical archaeology, Roman art and rhetoric, Ancient sculpture