1989 – Robert M. Hayes
Founder, National Coalition for the Homeless
Fear, Loathing or Compassion? Confronting the Homeless on the Streets of America
1988 – Paul A. Volcker
Former Chairman, Federal Reserve System
Meeting Our Public Responsibilities
1987 – Bernard J. O’Keefe
Chairman, Executive Committee of EG&G
The U.S. Economy and World Peace
1986 – Dr. Constance E. Clayton
Superintendent, Philadelphia Public Schools
Cross-Currents and Conflicts in Educational Reform
1985 – William M. Dyal, Jr.
President, American Field Service International/Intercultural Programs, Inc.
Building Bridges of Understanding in a Divided World
1984 – Hon. R. Sargent Shriver
Founding Director, Peace Corps; Former Ambassador to France
1984: George Orwell versus Holy Cross
1983 – Hon. Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Esq.
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under President Carter
Politicizing God and Science: Whatever Happened to the Difference Between Madame Curie and Dr. Frankenstein?
1982 – Dr. Lester C. Thurow
Professor of Management and Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Can the United States Survive in a Competitive World?
1981 – Prof. Doris Kearns Goodwin
Former Aide to President Lyndon B. Johnson
The Presidency: Imperial or Impotent
1980 – Hon. Theodore L. Eliot, Jr.
Dean, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University
The United States and the World in the 1980’s