Campion House

Campion House accommodates the offices of the chaplains and provides spacious, comfortable and living and dining spaces.
Campion House is a wonderful place to study, dine, meet other students, or just hang out. Campion is equipped with wireless internet service.
About Campion House
Campion House is named for St. Edmund Campion, an Irish man who rejected a high position in the Church of England to join the Jesuits. He was ultimately tried and martyred by Queen Elizabeth for his writings against the Church of England.
Over the years, Campion House has changed in its function on campus. Constructed in the early 1900s, Campion originally served as a residence hall for those Holy Cross employees who worked on the farm. It eventually shifted to a student residence hall and, in 1971, to a chaplain and Jesuit residence. The first floor of the building was available for meetings and quiet study and, for many years, was the one study space open all night. The upstairs remained a living space for Jesuit chaplains.
In 1989, the house changed again to serve as the residence for seven Jesuits engaged in pastoral work on campus. When the construction of Smith Hall began in the spring of 2000, Campion House was temporarily converted into the Chaplains' Office so that Admissions could move into the Chaplains' Office suite in the Hogan Campus Center. This temporary arrangement proved so satisfactory that Campion became the permanent home of the Chaplains' Office and Campus Ministry Center.