Tour Guides

Holy Cross tour guides run the gamut of academic interests and areas of involvement here at the College. They also share at least one thing in common: their love of Holy Cross. Our guides can't wait to walk The Hill alongside you, share their stories, and answer your questions about being a Crusader.

Please feel free to read through these student profiles and reach out to any student volunteer who you would like to connect with. We also encourage you to look into all of the on-campus and virtual opportunities that the Office of Admission offers which will allow you to hear from and connect with current Holy Cross students.

close up of a girl wearing a floppy hat white dress long redish brown hair smiling.  There are sunflowers behind her.

Mattison Albano '25

Hometown: Oakham, MA
Major: Biology
Minor Concentration(s): Geosciences
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Resident Assistant
Other Extra Curricular(s):  ALS Advocates

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I remember how special of a time touring colleges was in high school, and I wanted to be a part of that magic for others! I love Holy Cross so much and I want others to see how special of a place it is as well... so what better way then introducing myself to prospective students and families and showing them around my home on the hill!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
My favorite Holy Cross memory so far has to be the fall concert featuring the Kid Laroi. He put on a great show for us, and the Holy Cross student body was so alive with joy and enthusiasm!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because of the people. I came from a small high school, and knew that I wanted a college on the smaller side, where I could build important relationships with my professors. The community here is unlike any other in terms of care and support, and it truly feels like everyone here wants you to succeed. Plus the campus is so beautiful and the city of Worcester is a diverse and vibrant community full of life that is perfect for college students!

student tour guide frank amuso

Frank Amuso '26

Personal Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hometown: Wyndmoor, PA
Major(s): Classics, Music
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Alternate College Theatre, Chamber Singers, College Choir, HC Radio, Orientation Leader

Why did you become a tour guide?
I love the idea of being able to share what I love so much about Holy Cross with prospective students and their families! I toured a lot of colleges before deciding on Holy Cross, and I remember how important a good tour was in making that decision--I want to pay it forward and play a part in some future student's decision to come here!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
By far my favorite thing I've done is getting involved in theater at here at Holy Cross. That is also probably the furthest out of my comfort zone I have been in a while, but I could not be more grateful to have thrown myself in head-first! All of the friends I've made and experiences I've had have made the risk well worth it, and are a testament to the welcoming, supportive environment throughout campus.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Holy Cross first caught my eye because of it's incredible Classics program; while academic rigor certainly helped my final decision, I would have to say I came to Holy Cross because I recognized how much the school would enable me to grow--academically of course, but also socially with its small, inviting campus, and spiritually through the Jesuits.

student tour guide admissions, bailey baptista

Bailey Baptista '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Boxford, MA
Major(s): Psychology
Minor/Concentration: Urban Studies
Career Program: Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement: Community-Based Learning (CBL), Dance Ensemble

Why did you become a tour guide?
I wanted to be a tour guide to share the small details about Holy Cross that I have grown to love. Beyond the information available on the website, names of buildings, and lists of clubs, I would like to show the unique aspects of community, culture, and tradition that are in every corner of Holy Cross. I understand the uneasiness that can come with an unfamiliar environment with many possibilities and look forward to easing this stress. Above all, I wanted to create connections and share my Holy Cross stories to welcome students and families during this decision process!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The highlight of my Holy Cross experience thus far has been connecting with the student community. Whether it be through organized clubs or bumping into friends in line at Kimball dining hall, Holy Cross students are always building community and willing to lend a hand.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
While sitting in Professor Basu’s presentation of the neurology department on admitted students day I realized she was able to not only name students in her department, but their majors, where they are from, and their interests. The connection that she has built between students and faculty is personal and meaningful. I quickly realized that this quality is not unique to Professor Basu, it is prevalent across the entire faculty. The ability to easily connect with faculty that truly want you to succeed is why I chose Holy Cross.

young man with light red hair wearing a blue and white plaid shirt smiling at the camera with a building in the background

Elliot Barron '25

Hometown: Spartanburg, SC
Major(s): Economics/Music
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement: Concert Band, Pep Band, Running Club
Other Extra Curricular(s):  Interdenominational Service, Percussion Ensemble, Marching Band, SPUD: Big Brothers Big Sisters

Why did you become a tour guide?
As a prospective high-school student, I visited a lot of colleges and those experiences revealed to me what an essential role a tour guide plays in shaping a prospective student’s view of the school. Especially as someone who was looking to go to college far from home, I was unfamiliar with many of the schools that I was looking at and often found myself relying heavily on my tour guide’s knowledge and experiences to see if the school could be a good fit for me. Holy Cross has quickly become a home to me and by being a tour guide, I get to pay my amazing experiences forward by being a resource for prospective students and families, so that they can also find their sense of belonging in the HC community!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight from my HC experience thus far has been playing drums for the Interdenominational Protestant service on campus. I came to Holy Cross wanting to embody Christian values, but not really expecting to find a direct connection with faith. The ID service has not only afforded me the opportunity to play drums every Sunday, something I’ve always loved doing, but also to strengthen my faith and find a diverse, supportive community of individuals who have become some of my closest friends here at Holy Cross.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross for its combination of liberal arts education and Jesuit tradition. I value being well-rounded, so being able to pursue a variety of passions in and outside of the classroom is a huge benefit of attending Holy Cross! Additionally, Holy Cross’ commitment to the Jesuit principle of being “Men and Women for and with Others” fosters a unique sense of community and commitment to service that really resonated with who I am and who I strive to become.

Olivia Battles '25

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Southborough, MA
Major: Biology
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement: HC Radio, Intramurals, Orientation Leader, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD), Working for Worcester, Xchrome

Why did you become a tour guide?
When I first arrived on The Hill, I immediately felt like Holy Cross was where I belonged and I was right! I want as many students as possible to feel the way I did and that is why I look forward to giving tours every week.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
I took a dance class in the second semester of my sophomore year. Dancing multiple times a week was a great opportunity to unwind from my other classes and coursework, and I made a lot of new friends. I probably would not have met these friends if I had not taken the class and the same goes for the friends
I made in many of the other classes I have taken outside of my major.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
My mom attended Holy Cross and was the first person to show me around the campus. While hearing about some of her experiences and seeing students interact with each other on campus, I could immediately picture myself as a student at Holy Cross and applied Early Decision.

close up of a young woman with long brown hair and a dark sweater smiling at the camera

Maggie Baum '25

Hometown: Annapolis, MD
Major(s): Anthropology
Minor/Concentration(s): French and Francophone Studies
Co-Curricular Involvement: Alternate College Theatre, Club Rugby, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
Whenever I pass a tour on my way to or from class, I resist the urge to stop and tell the perspective students and their parents how much I love it here and that they should commit today. Every day, I am certain I made the perfect choice during my college search, and I want to help future Holy Cross students discover the same.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The Christmas season at Holy Cross is a very special time and has been one of my favorite experiences so far. Seeing the chapel packed for our “Festival of Lessons and Carols” was a beautiful example of the sense of community and togetherness that Holy Cross embodies.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Holy Cross is dedicated to nurturing both the mind and heart, through an authentic liberal arts education, and gives students the ability to help their community wherever that may be. The friendly, engaging environment, the drive to do good in the world, and the encouragement to crucially engage with new perspectives is what drew me to Holy Cross. In the end, Holy Cross’ emphasis on a close, kind, and welcoming community is what sold me!

ginger berry admissions tour guide

Ginger Berry '25

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: East Providence, RI
Major(s): International Studies, Spanish
Co-Curricular Involvement: Alternate College Theatre, Community-Based Learning (CBL), Orientation Leader, Working for Worcester

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I love Holy Cross so much and I am so excited for its future! Being a tour guide allows me to show prospective students how amazing the school is and make them excited about the possibility of their future!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
I love Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in Kimball. The energy is palpable as what feels like the entire school packs inside and enjoys amazing food and music.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I did not have the same magical feeling that some people have when they step on campus and realize this is their home. I chose to attend Holy Cross after I had toured dozens of other schools and finally realized that I had been subconsciously comparing them to Holy Cross... none of them lived up!

student tour guide admissions, julia biamonte

Julia Biamonte '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Hyde Park, NY
Major(s): Psychology
Minor/Concentration: Deaf Studies and Sign Languages
Co-Curricular Involvement: Admissions Outreach, American Sign Language Club, HC for a Cure, Orientation Leader, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD), Working for Worcester

Why did you become a tour guide?
Heading into the summer after my junior year of high school I was a bit resistant to the college search process. I had participated in many virtual college visits due to the pandemic; however, the schools all started to feel the same to me. My parents practically dragged me on some college visits ensuring me that an in-person experience would inspire my search. Everything changed for me when I arrived on the Hill for my campus tour. I still remember my tour guide, a Rugby player, guiding my family through campus and sharing his personal experiences as a member of the Holy Cross community. This changed everything for me and I knew I had found my place. When I finally arrived on campus as a freshmen I passed my tour guide in the Hogan student center and he remembered me from the previous summer. That connection inspired me to pursue the opportunity to pay my experience forward to students as they embrace the college search process.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
As a freshmen I volunteered to participate in Working 4 Worcester and became a head site manager for a community project to build a playground at an underprivileged elementary school. Despite never having participated in a construction project, I had the opportunity to work with a team of almost 50 people made up of Holy Cross students as well as students from local colleges and other members of the Worcester community. Together we completed an incredible projected which truly demonstrated the service mindset of our school (“men and women for and with others") and the true connection we have with the Worcester community.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Community. Community. Community.  In every admissions event I participated in (webinars, tours, info sessions, interviews, etc) the word community resonated clearly. I was seeking a service-minded student body that had a sense of pride in the community built on campus. In one of the webinars I attended the host stated something simple that stuck with me: "At Holy Cross we hold doors for each other." This is absolutely part of who we are on campus as you are always greeted with a smile by a familiar face everywhere on the Hill. From accepted students day, Gateways orientation, the Odyssey program, move-in day and my freshmen year I have felt the pride and inclusion of this incredibly supportive academic community at Holy Cross.

student tour guide admissions, I. brady

I. Brady '26

Personal Pronouns: He/Him/His - They/Them/Their(s)
Hometown: Manhattan
Major(s): Mathematics
Minor/Concentration: Statistics
Co-Curricular Involvement:  College Choir, Pride

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I love Holy Cross and I want to help other people see how great it is!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience thus far has been being on the PRIDE E board. I was an intern this year and it was really cool to be able to make so many friends across different class years.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because when I toured I felt like it was the right place for me. I’m happy to report that I was correct!

close up of a young woman wearing a pink shirt smiling with long brown hair

Mia Burgio '25

Hometown: Buffalo, NY
Major(s): Biology

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide so I can help prospective students see the special atmosphere at Holy Cross.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience this far has been getting to know my professors and feeling the overwhelming support from them and their desire to see us achieve.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because I loved the close-knit community. I am not just a number at Holy Cross, and I believe that the kindness of all of the students at Holy Cross reflects the mission and goal of Holy Cross as a whole.

close up of a young woman with long red hair sitting on rocks outside smiling at the camera

Kelly Burke '25

Hometown: Duxbury, MA
Major(s): Biology
Co-Curricular Involvement: Alternate College Theatre, Intramurals, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I can still remember my tour guides from when I was applying to college and touring schools, and how they played such a big factor in how I felt about the school. I wanted the opportunity to give back to my school that I love so much by showing prospective students how amazing Holy Cross is and to assist in their college search process

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Without a doubt, doing theatre at Holy Cross has been the highlight of my experience so far. I have made so many memories and friends that will last a lifetime. From the first day, everyone was so welcoming, and I knew I had found my home on campus.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
The first thing I noticed on my tour of Holy Cross was the way that my tour guide was waving and smiling at so many people we walked past. I loved that the small size made Holy Cross really feel like a family. Holy Cross is the kind of place where you can walk into the dining hall alone, and know that you’ll see people you know there to sit with. The small classes allow you to actually get to know your professors and classmates. Overall, Holy Cross just felt like home and I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else.

student tour guide admissions, avery byrne

Avery Byrne '25

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown:  Greenwich, CT
Major(s):  Economics
Minor/Concentration: Statistics
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement: Admissions Outreach, Dance Ensemble, Orientation Leader, Purple Key Society, Spring Break Immersion, Working for Worcester

Why did you become a tour guide?
I wanted to become a tour guide to share my passion for Holy Cross with prospective students. When I was applying to colleges, I remember my tour guide being a trusted resource and I wanted to do my best to be that for students who are in the same position.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
During my first year at Holy Cross, I had the opportunity to participate in the Spring Break Immersion Program where I traveled to Fries, Virginia with a group of Holy Cross students. Through this program, I was able to make meaningful connections with other students while also learning how to reflect on my past experiences and learning about what it means to make a

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because from my first visit, I was instantly able to see the welcoming sense of community. I quickly learned how supportive the Holy Cross community is and how easy it is to make valuable relationships with others.

student tour guide admissions, luke cambra

Luke Cambra '26

Personal Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hometown:  Westport, MA
Major(s): History, Political Science
Career Program: Pre-Law
Co-Curricular Involvement: Student Government Association (SGA), Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD), Student Senate, Working for Worcester

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide in order to give back to the college through sharing my love for the college and its beautiful campus.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The connections I’ve formed with my professors in various areas of study has been a true highlight of my time here so far.

Why did you choose to attend Holy Cross?
I decided to attend Holy Cross based on the tradition of academic rigor here, the alumni network, and the Jesuit tradition of dialogue and being “men and women for others”.

student tour guide admissions, maggie carr

Maggie Carr '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Wynnewood, PA
Major(s):  Studies, Psychology
Co-Curricular Involvement: Alternate College Theatre, Eco-Action, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I know how much of a make-or-break experience a college tour can be. As a Holy Cross student who has thoroughly enjoyed my time here, I'd like prospective students to see everything the College has to offer from a welcoming and enthusiastic standpoint. I also always liked the idea that I could have a positive impact on the lives of prospective students and their faimilies by helping them make what can often be a very tough decision. My college search process was definitely difficult, but with that experience I feel like I know how to properly help those who are currently in that position.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience thus far was attending the Battle of the Bands in the spring. The weather was perfect and the campus looked beautiful in the late afternoon light, which only made the experience of  watching a handful of student-musicians with my friends on the Hoval even better. I was so impressed by the musicians, and all of the students watching were so invested in the performances. To me, Battle of the Bands epitomized the community feel at Holy Cross. We all came together to celebrate the talent of our friends and fellow classmates, and it is a memory I will always remember.

Why did you choose to attend Holy Cross?
Ultimately, I chose to attend Holy Cross because of its unique identity as a small Jesuit liberal arts school. In high school, I grew fond of Jesuit teachings and I knew that I wanted to explore further how I could implement them in my life. While going through the college search process, I discerned that I was interested in attending a smaller liberal arts school. When I discovered Holy Cross, I was pleasantly surprised that the College offered both of those qualities, in addition to a beautiful campus near a big city and school spirit with D-1 athletics. The more I learned about Holy Cross, the more it set itself apart from all of the other colleges I was considering. Eventually, I realized that Holy Cross had so many unique qualities that appealed to what I was looking for in a college that it was the only answer for me. Discovering Holy Cross was the best and most rewarding surprise.

student tour guide admissions, grace clayton

Grace Clayton '25

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: New York City, New York
Major(s): Chinese Studies, Political Science
Minor/Concentration: Asian Studies
Co-Curricular Involvement: Club Soccer, Disability Services, Research Fellowship

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide at Holy Cross because I wanted to help the admissions process for prospective and incoming students. I found the college process to be quite overwhelming and ultimately my tour guides were an important factor in the decision making process. I decided to become a tour guide because I wanted to fulfill a role that would assist in making the college selection process seamless. For me, my tours really influenced my perception of the school in all aspects. I wanted to become a tour guide to share my positive experiences at Holy Cross, but also to assist in bringing the school to life in many ways.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
I have been so pleased with the academic opportunities and support Holy Cross has to offer. I'm consistently able to challenge myself in academically rigorous courses, but I am also encouraged to enjoy the learning process itself. While a Jesuit education was not something I had my heart set on when applying to colleges, it is a decision that has changed my approach to learning and my confidence in my own academic capabilities. From a small classroom learning environment, to accessible and collaborative professors, my college experience has kept its promise of being an intellectually stimulating and academically rewarding four years.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Long story short, I chose to attend Holy Cross because of its community. It is such a family oriented place where comfortability truly felt like second nature. While Holy Cross is an academic school, the students have full hearts and are just as curious and interested in the world even in non-academic arenas. When I was looking at colleges, I wanted to find that balance between academics, socialization, extracurriculars etc., and Holy Cross ended up being that happy medium for me.

young woman standing next to a brick wall with shoulder length hair wearing a black top smiling

Grace Conroy '25

Hometown: Minneapolis, MN
Major(s):  English
Career Program:  Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Admissions Outreach,  Admissions Outreach, American Medical Student Association (AMSA), College Choir, College Democrats, Feminist Forum, Liturgical Ministry, Pax Christi, Spring Break Immersion, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)
Other Extra Curricular(s):  Holy Cross Chapel Choir

Why did you become a tour guide?
Holy Cross has given me an excellent experience so far--academically, socially, and spiritually. Being able to really connect with current students when I was a prospective college student helped me so much. I want to offer an enthusiastic view of Holy Cross, but also be able to honestly and openly answer any and all questions in a down-to-earth manner.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
This year, I participated in the Spring Break Immersion Program (SBIP), and it was life-changing. I met numerous people--both in and outside of Holy Cross-- and it has transformed the way I experience Holy Cross and the world around me. Not only did I learn a great deal from the trip itself, but the spirit of the trip has continued to manifest itself back on campus in the connections I've made with peers across class years. 

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross because of its identity as a Jesuit, liberal arts community.  The size of the student population and location of the school also played into my decision, but the biggest determining factor was the sense of community I experienced both times I visited campus. The kindness and authenticity of Holy Cross' students, faculty, and staff ultimately helped me make my decision, and I'm so grateful for the many people who answered all my questions and continue to make my experience here so wonderful!

student tour guide admissions, kyra corbisiero

Kyra Corbisiero '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
Major(s):  Psychology, Sociology
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Admissions Outreach, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I remember how valuable my tour of the school was to me and the commitment I have to the school now. My tour gave me a better understanding of the community and made me feel welcomed in a place I had never been.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Thus far, a highlight of my Holy Cross experience is doing a boxing class with my friend at the Jo.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I choose to attend Holy Cross because of the kindness of the community and the unique selection of courses the school has to offer. Out of all the schools I had visited, I felt the most welcomed here and it seemed to be the best fit for me.

young man wearing a suit coat and white shirt brown background short brown hair smiling at the camera

Michael Daly '25

Hometown: Longmeadow, MA
Major(s): Computer Science, Economics
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement: Campus Activity Board (CAB), Chamber Singers, Fools on the Hill, Student Government Association (SGA), Student Senate

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because it seemed like a great way to get involved on campus. I love meeting new people, and being a tour guide gives me the opportunity to meet new incoming students and to give them a feel for Holy Cross.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One of the biggest highlights of my Holy Cross experience so far has been the a-capella group Fools on the Hill. It is so much fun rehearsing and performing with the friends I have made.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
My dad is an alumni of Holy Cross, and had said great things about his time at the College. I chose to attend Holy Cross because I had to see if what he said was true!

isabella davis admission tour guide

Isabella Davis '25

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Canton, OH
Major(s): Political Science, Spanish
Career Program: Pre-Law
Co-Curricular Involvement: Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I wanted to become a tour guide because after my time spent of the Hill, I wanted to share my love of Holy Cross with others. I remember my college touring experience and the important advice my tour guides gave me that helped me decide why Holy Cross was right for me. Holy Cross’ strong sense of belonging has been extremely impactful on me, and I want to allow others to experience that as well!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Undoubtedly the highlight of my time at Holy Cross, was my freshman year Montserrat course. The yearlong course allowed for me to become comfortable on campus and make lasting memories. The ability to apply topics from the course to events occurring in Worcester was also extremely memorable!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
After a long college search Holy Cross became the obvious choice for me because of its strong academic programs and tight-knit community. Coming from a small, Catholic high school, I knew I wanted to attend a college with similar values. I remember listening to the various webinars with my parents after being accepted and knew that Holy Cross was the right fit for me.

student tour guide admissions, ines de la fuente

Ines de la Fuente '25

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Belmont, MA
Major(s):  Economics
Minor/Concentration: Business, Ethics, and Society
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Finance Club, Spring Break Immersion, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD), Working for Worcester

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I feel passionate about sharing my love for Holy Cross with students and families.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Freshman year move-in was one of the many highlights of my Holy Cross experience thus far. I felt so welcomed and loved as many student orientation leaders carried my belonging to my freshman dorm.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because of the liberal arts academics, the Jesuit tradition, and especially because of the close knit community on the Hill and beyond graduation.

young man standing on the beach with water and sand behind him wearing a blue sweater he has close shaved hair and is smiling at the camera

Matthew DeLucia '25

Hometown:  Milford, CT
Major(s):  Biology
Minor/Concentration(s): Biochemistry
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Science Ambassador, Ultimate Frisbee Club

Why did you become a tour guide?
When I took my tour of Holy Cross my tour guide showed me how friendly and sociable the campus community was. After my tour I knew I wanted to come to Holy Cross. I have since experienced the outstanding Holy Cross family that was described by my tour guide, and feel I am an active member of the community. I want to share my pride and love of Holy Cross with prospective students.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
I have made many memories with my friends and classmates by hanging out or through clubs and campus activities. If I had to choose one highlight from my experience so far it would be scoring four touchdowns at my first home ultimate frisbee tournament. I loved being able to celebrate and share in the excitement of this accomplishment with my teammates!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
My high school had a very strong sense of community among students and teachers. Throughout my college search I was looking for a college with strong academic programs, but also the strong sense of community I had while I was in high school. My tour guide showed me that Holy Cross had exactly that.  Hearing stories of campus pride and strong connections with professors, I knew Holy Cross was where I wanted to be. I found the sense of community as soon as I stepped on campus, making friends and memories. I know I am where I am supposed to be.

student tour guide admissions, gabby dineen

Gabriella Dineen '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Ridgewood NJ
Major(s):  Student Designed Majors
Career Program: Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement:  A.S.I.A., Admissions Outreach, Physician's Assistant Club, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I wanted to share my love for Holy Cross with perspective students and I love meeting new people!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One of my highlights of Holy Cross so far is definitely the people that I've met and the professors. Everyone here is so caring and genuinely wants to see you succeed.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because of the sense of community that I felt. It's an environment that I didn't feel at any other school and I truly believe that we have the best people here!

Sean Doyle '26

Personal Pronouns:  He/Him/His
Hometown:  Chicago, IL
Major(s):  Economics, History
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Club Hockey, Community-Based Learning (CBL), Finance Club

Why did you become a tour guide?
I am really happy at Holy Cross and I want to show prospective students what Holy Cross can do for them.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The Spring Concert was one of my favorite days. It was right near the end of school and was a great way to celebrate the end of the school year.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
The liberal arts Jesuit education really appealed to me. In addition, many friends and counselors recommended Holy Cross based on their experiences at the College.

young woman with long dark hair smiling at the camera with a cream colored background

Peyton Ellinghaus '25

Hometown: Richmond, VA
Major(s):  Mathematics/ Studio Art
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Admissions Outreach, Community-Based Learning (CBL), Feminist Forum, Spring Break Immersion, Student Art Society

Why did you become a tour guide?
A few of my friends are involved in admissions and they had such good experiences that I wanted to join too! I love chatting about Holy Cross and showing off what we have to offer.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Spring Weekend

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
It checked all my boxes: small class sizes, strong math program, and I love its location. Their financial aid was what sealed the deal!

young woman with light red long hair with a white top on out side in front of bushes smiling at the camera

Jane Feeney '25

Hometown: Scituate, MA
Major(s):  Psychology
Career Program:  Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement: Admissions Outreach, Peace of Mind

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I really enjoy meeting new students and showing them around campus. As the oldest child in my family I know what it is like to be a little unsure during a college tour and I would like to be a person who can answer questions and ease the transition for prospective students.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my experience at Holy Cross has been meeting best friends who I know I will have for a life time.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross because primarily for the rigorous academics, the small student-faculty ratio, the community feel, and the division 1 athletics. I also love that it is a smaller school and that all of my professors know my name and make it easy to attend office hours.

young man standing on a beach wearing a light blue shirt and short brown hair smiling at the camera

John Fogarty '25

Hometown: Exeter, RI
Major(s): Political Science
Career Program: Pre-Law
Co-Curricular Involvement: Mock Trial, Student Government Association (SGA), Student Senate

Why did you become a tour guide?
I chose to become a tour guide because I enjoy sharing all the great experiences that I have had at Holy Cross and I hope that other potential students can have the same great experience that I have had.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The inauguration weekend for our new College President was such a great time that I never forget

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
When I first toured Holy Cross, the close community there was could be seen even in my first trip to campus and I knew that was something I wanted to be a part of!

young woman sitting in front of water with long brown hair and a medium royal blue shirt smiling at the camera

Brianna Fountain '25

Hometown: North Reading, Massachusetts
Major(s):  Biology/Mathematics 
Minor/Concentration(s):  Biochemistry 
Career Program:  Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement: College Choir, Community-Based Learning (CBL), Feminist Forum, Intramurals,  Science Ambassador

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because of how much I want to share my love for Holy Cross with prospective families. I believe that the right tour guide can have an incomparable impact on a student’s decision to apply, and I want so many people to experience the Holy Cross community the way I do!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience so far has been playing intramural soccer. I had never even played soccer before, but my peers somehow convinced me to try it. I was hesitant, but I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, and it ended up being an amazing experience! Our team bonded more than I could have imagined and we had so much fun. 

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because of the strong sense of community. The combination of our small size, many extracurriculars, academic excellence, and amazing students makes Holy Cross the perfect place for me to establish my identity and prepare for my future with strong support from faculty and friends.

student tour guide admissions, michael greco

Michael Greco '25

Personal Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hometown: West Hartford, CT
Major(s):  Chinese Studies, Political Science
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Club Baseball, Community-Based Learning (CBL), Golf Club, HC Sales Group, Intramurals, Student Government Association (SGA), Working for Worcester

Why did you become a tour guide?
One of my first experiences at Holy Cross came through a tour with one of my close family friends who attended HC in the 80s. The way he talked about the campus and the community with such emotion and connected every building to a memory he had was a very compelling factor for me to apply to Holy Cross. I aim to use that same passion to encourage prospective students to choose Holy Cross.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One of my favorite parts of my Holy Cross experience has likely been the football games/tailgates. The football games allow the Holy Cross student body to rally around the school and unite as a community. It also allows you to meet other students, parents, and alums, creating a feeling of such a tight- knit community.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Having a few good friends and family friends who attended Holy Cross in the past, I was lucky enough to pick their brains for advice when narrowing down my college decision. Throughout the process, I never heard anyone talk about their school with more pride and passion than the alums of Holy Cross did. Even with as many as 40 years removed from the school, these alumni talked about Holy Cross like they still went there. That kind of commitment to the community decided to attend Holy Cross a no-brainer.

student tour guide admissions, mary claire griffin

Mary Claire Griffin '26

Personal Pronouns:  She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Cohasset, Massachusetts
Major(s):  History
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Feminist Forum, Orientation Leader, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
To share my love of Holy Cross to prospective students and provide a bridge between a prospective student and Holy Cross.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The retreats I've been on at the Joyce Contemplative Center (JCC)! I went on Ignite which is a freshman-only retreat in the fall and the women's retreat which was a mix of current students and alumnae in the spring. Both were amazing and introduced me to so many new people.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross because it felt like home. All the students reminded me of myself; they were hardworking and outgoing. I could picture myself here.

student tour guide admissions, liam johnson

Liam Johnson '26

Personal Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hometown:  Westborough, MA
Major(s):  Economics
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Community-Based Learning (CBL), Finance Club, Student Government Association (SGA), Student Senate, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Writer's Workshop

Why did you become a tour guide?
I wanted to share my love for Holy Cross with prospective students and help showcase what the college has to offer!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Participating in the intramural sports with my friends has definitely been a highlight of my experience. I have also really enjoyed spending time on the Hoval on warm days, playing spikeball or tossing around a frisbee.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I fell in love with Holy Cross the first time I stepped on campus for my tour and have enjoyed my time here ever since. For me, the college was exactly what I was looking for with a smaller, liberal arts school with a super strong and supportive community.

young woman wearing a white sweatshirt that says Holy Cross, she has medium length brown hair and is smiling

McKenna Kelleher '25

Hometown: Niskayuna, NY
Major(s):  Mathematics
Minor/Concentration(s): Education
Career Program: Teacher Education Program
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Best Buddies, Community-Based Learning (CBL), HC Goes Unified, Intramurals, Working for Worcester

Why did you become a tour guide?
I wanted to become a tour guide so that I could live the Jesuit mission of the college. I can be a woman for and with others by helping students explore all the opportunities Holy Cross has to offer. It was the love and passion shared among students and alumni that pulled me to HC and now I am able to share my appreciation for Holy Cross as well!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
My first semester was even better than I could have imagined! My favorite moments so far have been sharing my second home with my mom during family weekend. Holy Cross planned the perfect weekend with food trucks, campus activities and the football game! The Kid Laroi concert this fall was also a highlight of my experience on The Hill so far!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
During COVID, I joined countless virtual tours and information sessions for different universities. Holy Cross was unique because all of the students and alumni I connected with were beyond excited to share their experience at Holy Cross. Specifically, I loved the small size of HC which creates a tight knit community and small classes that build strong relationships between students and professors. It didn’t take long for Holy Cross to feel like my home and it is the best feeling to know I chose the right school for me!

young woman wearing a purple shirt with long blond hair smiling at the camera

Annie Kilmartin '25

Hometown: Syracuse, NY
Major(s):  Chemistry
Career Program:  Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement:  American Medical Student Association (AMSA), Club Tennis, Intramurals, Working for Worcester
Other Extra Curricular(s):  Golf Team

Why did you become a tour guide?
From the moment I finished my tour at Holy Cross, I knew it was the place for me. That gut feeling of belonging I felt was unmatched. I wanted to share my experiences and love for Holy Cross with others and fulfill that role of welcoming new members into the Holy Cross community.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One of my favorite memories at Holy Cross was the first spring day on St. Patrick's day weekend. I have never seen the hoval so alive with music, games, ice cream trucks and hammocks. Everyone was so happy to sit outside all together and just enjoy the moment. Seeing campus so alive, all together and living in the moment was a highlight for me.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
In my college search I wanted a welcoming community with a basis in catholic education and spirit. Holy Cross offered a deep education in all areas following the Jesuit basis with a strong pre-med program, provided a sense of pride and spirit through athletics and an overwhelming amount of activities and organizations to provide a sense of community. Overall after my tour I felt the community aspect at Holy Cross was unmatched and I was meant to be here.

young man wearing glasses and a pink button down shirt he has short brown hair and smiling at the camera

Ben Lepper '25

Hometown: Wellesley, MA
Major(s):  English
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Cures for Kids, HC Radio, The Spire

Why did you become a tour guide?
I was a nervous wreck when applying to schools. I spent days stressing over where to apply, admission decisions, scholarships, and so forth. But when I got my HC acceptance letter, I realized that the anxiety I had endured was unnecessary. Sure, college applications are important, but you shouldn’t lose sleep over them (like I was). That’s why I’m a tour guide. Not only do I want to show people this incredible campus, but I also want to calm people’s nerves about the whole process. Applying to college doesn’t have to be scary, and I want to make sure people know that.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
I’ll never forget my first broadcast. I was color commentating a Holy Cross football game versus Lafayette, and it was such an incredible experience. Not only did we win big (thanks in part to Ayir Asante’s three touchdown catches), but I had fulfilled a childhood dream of mine, and I then decided that sportsmedia was what I wanted to do with my life.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Even though I am the son of two alumni, that’s not the reason I chose to attend.  I had no idea what I wanted to do in college, and I figured my best bet was to get a well-rounded education, with the hopes of finding what I’d want to major in while doing that. I’d say that plan worked out pretty nicely.

student tour guide admissions, theodore lowicki

Theodore Lowicki '25

Personal Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hometown: Ridgewood, NJ
Major(s):  Economics, Political Science
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Golf Club, Intramurals, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I remember from when I was touring colleges, specific tour guides that made an impact on me. I want to inspire and engage prospective students like those who inspired me, while sharing the amazing experience I have had at Holy Cross.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The highlight of my Holy Cross life so far has undoubtedly been the amazing experience I have had with my professors. Their guidance has helped me develop into the student I am today!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross for a few reasons. Besides its breathtaking campus, I was enticed by the small class sizes as well as the first year leavinglearning community Montserrat offered. Both of these aspects have led to a development in my social and academic life and I could not be happier with my decision to attend HC.

student tour guide admissions, marc marandola jr

Marc Marandola Jr. '26

Personal Pronouns: Other
Hometown: East Greenwich
Major(s):  History, Political Science
Career Program: Pre Law
Co-Curricular Involvement:  College Republicans, House Council, Mock Trial, Purple Key Society, Student Government Association (SGA)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I wanted to showcase the school for everyone that was in my position a year ago, as I feel that I am a fresh student that can attest to the first year experience.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The Mock Trial competition at Brown was my favorite highlight from this past year.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because of the small community and excellent academics, especially political science.

student tour guide admissions, maura martin

Maura Martin '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Major(s):  Chemistry
Minor/Concentration: Biochemistry
Career Program: Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement:  American Medical Student Association (AMSA), Dance Ensemble

Why did you become a tour guide?
When I came to visit Holy Cross, I was feeling a whole mix of emotions. I was excited for the future but nervous about starting college and thinking about choosing the school that was the right fit for me. However, when I stepped onto campus all of my worries disappeared because of the pure joy that all of the tour guides had about Holy Cross. Every tour guide loved being a part of the Holy Cross community, and they really went out of their way to make me feel like I was a part of the Crusader family, even though I had not yet made my final decision. My tour guides made me truly excited about coming to Holy Cross, and made this campus feel like a home. I hope that as your tour guide I am able to make Holy Cross feel like home for you too!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience thus far has been the Holy Cross Dance Team. I have danced since I was young, but I was not sure if I wanted to continue with it when I came to Holy Cross. This was until I met one of the Dance Team Captains at Fall Orientation. She encouraged me to come try out for the team, and get a feel for what it was all about. Little did I know that I would meet some of my best friends and get to cheer for my school through this. Whether it is dancing at the football and basketball games, having team breakfast, or going to team bonding get togethers on the weekends, we always make our team more than just practicing our routines. We have really become a family. The Holy Cross Dance Team has been the best team to be a part of and a highlight of my first year on the hill.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because it felt like home. I knew immediately when I stepped onto the campus that it was the perfect fit for me. The small class sizes allowed me to learn in an individualized way. The Jesuit liberal arts values allowed me to pursue interests outside of my major and pre-medicine track. The school spirit and community allowed me to have a balance between academics and social life. These checked off everything I wanted in a school, but it wasn’t until I met the students and explored campus that I knew this was the place for me. Everything just clicked, and I felt immediately at home. Choosing to come to Holy Cross was the best decision of my life, and I feel so lucky that I can call the hill my home.

young man with a light green polo shirt on standing in front of trees smiling at the camera

Foster Martinuk '25

Hometown: Peabody, MA
Major(s):  Biology
Career Program:  Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Admissions Outreach

Why did you become a tour guide?
I personally know how much of an impact my tour and tour guide had on my decision to attend Holy Cross, so I want to be able to provide that for a new incoming class of students!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Definitely late night game nights with friends in our dorms!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross because of its rigorous academic reputation and commitment to a liberal arts education. This campus is also beautiful and filled with so many welcoming faces!

young man wearing a blue button down shirt he has short brown hair and is smiling at the camera

James McLaughlin '25

Hometown: Longmeadow, MA
Major(s):  Economics
Minor/Concentration(s):  Rhetoric and Composition
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Club Lacrosse, HC Goes Unified, Intramurals 
Other Extra Curricular(s): Varsity Men's Lacrosse Manager

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I wanted to have an impact on others' decisions to come to Holy Cross and show them why our community is so special.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
I became a tour guide because I wanted to have an impact on others' decisions to come to Holy Cross and show them why our community is so special.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross because of the Jesuit, liberal arts education and the closeknit community. When I arrived on campus for my tour I could immediately see myself here for the next four years. Much of this came from the great experience I had with my tour guide when I visited Holy Cross. She was very personable, supportive and informative.

student tour guide admissions, kay McNamara

Kay McNamara '25

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: West Dennis, MA
Major(s):  Political Science
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Club Field Hockey, Working for Worcester

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Participating in the HC Women on the Run half marathon training program!

Why did you choose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross because of its amazing community of current students and faculty as well as alumni.

student tour guide admissions, marie meisner

Marie Meisner '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Holliston, MA
Major(s):  English
Minor/Concentration: Creative Writing, Education
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Alternate College Theatre, Liturgical Ministry, Society of Saints Peter and Paul Spring Break Immersion

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I want to share my never-ending enthusiasm for Holy Cross with others and emphasize the strong, loving community that drew me in while searching for colleges myself. Everyone I met prior to moving into Holy Cross (as well as during and after) was unbelievably friendly, and I would love to replicate that sense of unconditional kindness and support to prospective students and their families.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience thus far has been meeting people that I can authentically connect with in various ways, whether it be through faith, extracurricular activities or interests. Additionally, I've loved taking advantage of the beautiful campus in the springtime (doing work outside, etc.) and engaging in the many service opportunities rooted in Jesuit tradition that Holy Cross has to offer. This past spring, I went on a Spring Break Immersion
trip, which was a highlight for sure!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross primarily for its emphasis on Jesuit values, which gave me a space to deepen my Catholic faith and meet like-minded people. It also introduced me to one of the most loving and supportive communities that truly wants the best for everyone. I also loved Holy Cross' ideal distance from home, small class sizes, and of course picture-perfect campus!

young woman outside wearing a gray Holy Cross tshirt with shoulder length hair smiling

Cecilia Motherway '25

Hometown:  Santa Ana, California
Major(s): Undeclared
Career Program: Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement:  American Medical Student Association (AMSA), Community-Based Learning (CBL), Eucharistic Minister, Liturgical Ministry, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because my tour of Holy Cross was what sealed my college decision and gave me relief that I felt at home here. I hope to be this relief to other prospective students and share what I love about Holy Cross!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The biggest highlight of my Holy Cross experience has been the relationships I have made with friends, professors, and the community. In such a short amount of time I know I have already made lifelong friends. My professors reach out to me personally and are genuinely invested in helping me find my
interests. The community of Holy Cross is one that puts others first and encourages everyone to do the same. At Holy Cross I always feel the community’s support and love.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because it gave me that feeling of home when I thought about it and walked around the campus. The mission of the school and the students I witnessed felt ambitious like myself and my goals, but as if they were going to push me past them. Not only did Holy Cross check the boxes of what I wanted in a college: small, liberal arts, on the East Coast, and Catholic, but it gave me that feeling that here I would be comfortable but more importantly challenged.

mahoney admissions tour guide

Kylie Mulhearn '25

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Warwick, Rhode Island
Email: Warwick, Rhode
Major(s): History
Minor/Concentration: Rhetoric and Composition
Co-Curricular Involvement: Admissions Outreach, Community-Based Learning (CBL), Purple Key Society, Spring Break Immersion, Student Government Association (SGA), Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD), Working for Worcester, Writer's Workshop

Why did you become a tour guide?
I chose to be a tour guide because I wanted to have the opportunity to express my love and passion for the Holy Cross community to potential students and families!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One of my favorite Holy Cross experiences so far has been Food Truck Fridays on the Hoval. The food is amazing and it is so much fun seeing the community laughing, playing games, and coming together as a whole.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because of the immediate sense of community that I felt when I toured campus myself. After attending a small Catholic high school, I knew throughout my college search that I wanted to find a place where the community felt like home. The Holy Cross community has felt like
home to me since the moment I arrived on campus, which is how I knew it was the place I was meant to be.

student tour guide admissions, ej murphy

EJ Murphy '26

Personal Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hometown: Stratham, NH
Major(s):  Student Designed Majors
Career Program: Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Admissions Outreach, American Medical Student Association (AMSA), Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD), 

Why did you become a tour guide?
Being a tour guide gives me the privilege of sharing my love for Holy Cross with prospective students and families. I believe a tour is integral to the college search process, and can be the experience that truly gives a student an authentic view of campus life. I am grateful for the opportunity to share all the aspects that make Holy Cross such a wonderful place to spend four years.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One of my favorite Holy Cross memories thus far has been exploring local parks with friends, especially in the spring months.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross due to a number of reasons, namely being its academic rigor, Jesuit mission, and distinguished liberal arts education. During my college search process, Holy Cross stood out because of the personal admissions experience: I truly felt that I "bled purple" before even stepping foot on campus. From the first student panel I watched, I got a clear sense of how much love students have for HC, and of the tight-knit community on Mount St. James. It was evident that Holy Cross is a special school not to be missed. Students are not only able to receive a world-class education, but also form life-changing relationships with classmates and professors. My decision to attend Holy Cross is perfectly summed up by a statement on the College's website that has always stuck with me: "It's more than taking classes. It's discovering who you were meant to be." I feel that the Holy Cross experience is nothing short of this.

young woman standing outside with bushes behind her she is wearing a white top and jeans with long dark hair smiling at the camera

Ryan Murray '25

Hometown: Wellesley, MA
Major(s):  Economics
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Club Field Hockey, Club Tennis, Purple Key Society, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I've absolutely loved my Holy Cross experience so far and I truly think it's a very special school. I immediately felt at home when I arrived at Holy Cross and have felt so welcomed by the community here. I want to become a tour guide so I can show prospective students what makes the Holy Cross experience so enriching. Last year, as I was going through the college process virtually, it was often difficult to get a feel for the atmosphere at each school. However, the enthusiasm and passion I felt from Holy Cross, even though the screen, was unlike any other school. Now that I am here, the school has truly lived up to everything I thought it would be. I would love to be a part of the group that promotes Holy Cross and encourages prospective students.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Although there are many highlights of my Holy Cross experience, the one that sticks out the most is my time in my Montserrat class. Taking college courses is a new experience and as a freshman it can be intimidating. My Montserrat offered a smaller community that I could easily connect with. With my Montserrat I've been able to create special bonds with both my classmates and my professor that I hope will strengthen even more this semester.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
There is a very special sense of community at Holy Cross and I've felt so welcomed since I've been here. This intimate environment has allowed me to connect with my fellow classmates and my professors to form very enriching relationships. Much of this results from the Jesuit credo of men and women for others, which is apparent in the student body, in the classroom and in the community at large. Anybody that currently attends or has attended Holy Cross has nothing but good things to say about their experience at the school and the relationships that they formed during their time on the hill.

close up of a young woman outside with green bushes behind her wearing a pink colored top, long hair and smiling

Ava Navarro '25

Hometown: Danvers, MA
Major(s):  Biology
Career Program: Health Professions Advising
Co-Curricular Involvement:  American Medical Student Association (AMSA),  Community-Based Learning (CBL), Science Ambassador

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I had an amazing tour experience myself. Due to the pandemic, I watched an online tour but I still felt the joyous spirit that the students had even through the computer screen. As I am now a part of the wonderful community here at Holy Cross I want to spread this welcoming atmosphere to everyone. Holy Cross is a special school that truly values you as a person and we all want you to flourish and develop into the best version of yourself. Thus, I hope I can show you all the wonders of our school on my tour!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
It is certainly hard to choose just one singular highlight from my Holy Cross experience so far, as I have had so many already. However, a couple certainly stand out to me. Every Friday night my friends and I will find a show or movie that we want to watch. We will make popcorn that we got from the lobby shop and sit in the common room to watch. These moments are some of my most favorite because I have certainly made some of the closest friendships with the people in my hall and the best memories there as well. In our room, my roommate and I will tell each other when we have important test dates coming up so that we know we should get to bed earlier or be quiet when they are trying to sleep. One day I remember I was very nervous for one of my tests, and when I woke up the day of the test my roommate had left me notes all around my room with phrases “You got this” and “You are smart”. Waking up to those sweet messages put a smile on my face and certainly made me feel more prepared for my exam. I returned the favor the next week when she had her test. Lastly, during the Inauguration of our College’s 33rd President my friends and I bundled up on the cold autumn night to go and celebrate this wonderful event. We ate delicious treats, danced, took photo booth pictures, and watched the gorgeous fireworks while we sat on the hill. It was certainly a night I will never forget.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Growing up I came from a very small town in Massachusetts where almost every corner you turned was a familiar welcoming face. This tight knit aspect was certainly something I truly treasured as I felt like an important part of our community. As I proceeded on my college decisions I looked for a school with a similar environment. Unfortunately it was difficult to try and find this as most schools were shut down due to the pandemic. I watched videos of campus life and used google maps to see what the campuses looked like “in-person”. With all the schools I looked at there was something extremely special about Holy Cross. I still vividly remember watching a 46 minute campus tour video led by a Junior and a Senior who were extremely enthusiastic. They waved hello to every student they walked past and shared several wonderful stories from their own campus experiences. Even though I was viewing the school through a video I felt as if I was there. The two students were extremely friendly and made me feel welcome even through the computer screen. There was certainly something special that set Holy Cross apart from every other school, and it was that tight knit community. As I am now a part of that community I can say that coming to Holy Cross was the best decision I ever made.

jed neal admissions tour guide

Jed Neal '25

Personal Pronouns: He/Him/His
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Major(s): Economics
Minor/Concentration: Business, Ethics and Society
Co-Curricular Involvement: D-I Crew, Orientation Leader

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I wanted to give back to the Holy Cross community that has given me so much. I would not be where I am today if it weren't for the amazing people I've met through classes, rowing, and my time as an orientation leader.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight during my time on The Hill is my experience as a student-athlete on the varsity men's rowing team. Everyone on HCMR is there to support each other through the good and the bad; each moment I get to spend with my teammates and coaches is one of my greatest blessings.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross because of the strong alumni network! It really speaks to the importance of the Jesuit mission here at Holy Cross, as every alum wants to see Crusaders everywhere succeed and are willing go above and beyond to help make that happen.

young woman walking toward the camera outside wearing a blue sundress smiling at the camera

Ellen O'Leary '25

Hometown:  Rocky River, Ohio
Major(s):  Undeclared
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Best Buddies, Women in Business, Holy Cross Women's Golf Team

Why did you become a tour guide?
Exploring a college virtually is a great start, but actually stepping on campus, meeting with current students, and taking in all Holy Cross has to offer in person is an invaluable experience. I had so many questions during my college search, and my tour guide was a fantastic resource in answering my questions and demonstrating who a Holy Cross student is. As a tour guide, I want to show prospective students just how amazing Holy Cross is, as my campus visit is what sealed the deal for me. As a small part of your college search, I hope to bring the campus to life.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
While countless instances come to mind when I consider my highlights at Holy Cross (such as laughing in Kimball Dining Hall for hours with friends, getting to know classmates during class discussions, or attending sporting events with friends full of school spirit), some of my happiest days on the Hill have been spent with my teammates on the golf team. Whether it be a team breakfast after lifts or playing 9 holes at Worcester Country Club, I always look forward to spending time with them and am grateful to be a part of something so special.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Holy Cross checked all of my boxes: small class sizes, Jesuit liberal arts education, beautiful campus, and connections with classmates and professors.  The well-roundedness a Holy Cross liberal arts education provides is an incredible opportunity to explore a variety of different subject areas and find the places you fit best. In doing so, students interact with a wide range of professors, advisors, and peers, building connections each step of the way in discovering who they are. The strong foundation a Holy Cross education provides in addition to its tight-knit student body and enchanting campus made attending Holy Cross one of the best decisions of my life.

young woman wearing a white top green trees behind her long black hair her head is tilted to the right smiling at the camera

Anya Reichelsdorfer '25

Hometown: New York, NY
Major(s): Psychology
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement: Community-Based Learning (CBL), Intramurals Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I wanted the opportunity to share my love for Holy Cross with prospective students. Holy Cross is such a special place and I want to do my best to convey that!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience so far is the first-year Montserrat program. This program creates a perfect transition into college-level classes and coursework as well as enabling conversations with those around you. This unique program made my freshman year stand out; it truly instills a sense of community.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because I was interested in the liberal-arts approach, in addition to the school being the perfect size. I knew that Holy Cross would provide me with a well-rounded education as well as the opportunity to explore all of my interests. In terms of the student body, Holy Cross fosters a distinctive sense of community that creates a welcoming and friendly environment.

young man with short brown hair wearing a blue button down shirt smiling at the camera

Edwin Ryan '25

Hometown:  Walpole, MA
Major(s):  History
Minor/Concentration(s): Education
Career Program:  Teacher Education Program
Co-Curricular Involvement:  College Democrats, Intramurals, Liturgical Ministry, Pax Christi, Student Government Association (SGA), Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide? 
My tour at Holy Cross was what solidified my decision to come here. Being able to experience the campus community was instrumental in my decision. I want to share the wide variety of opportunities that Holy Cross has to offer with prospective students and how there is something for everyone whether it be academically, spiritually, in extracurriculars, on a sports team, or whatever they desire their college experience to look like.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience so far was the Christmas tree lighting outside of O'Kane. It was a great way to spend an hour with some friends and a ton of people throughout the Holy Cross community while supporting the a cappella groups, having cookies, and getting into the holiday spirit.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose Holy Cross because of the people I know who went here. Many members of my family are Holy Cross alumni and in high school, many of my teachers also attended Holy Cross. All of these people had distinct experiences during their time at the College, yet still all raved about the time they spent here which showed me that Holy Cross has something to offer for everyone.

student tour guide admissions, veronica safryn

Veronica Safryn '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: West Hartford, CT
Major(s):  Art History, Psychology
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Club Volleyball, Off The Record

Why did you become a tour guide?
I want to be able to demonstrate to potential students how much I love Holy Cross and how they may as well. Holy Cross is a close-knit and caring community. I want to help share Holy Cross' outstanding characteristics with prospective students.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
As a freshman I attended a Holy Cross fashion and beauty networking event in New York City. For an evening I went to an alumni’s house where I met Holy Cross alumni from different companies in the fashion and beauty industry. During this time I was not exactly sure what I wanted to do with my major, so listening to alumni and their stories I was able to learn that everyone’s path is different. I learned about jobs I never knew about, and I loved meeting new people.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
When I stepped onto The Hill, I knew it was home. Everyone had been talking about that feeling you get when you find your school, and you know it’s for you. I hadn’t felt that feeling at any other campus, but when I saw Holy Cross I knew it was the one. Even when I was a prospective student, talking to the students allowed me to see how strong the community is. Everyone wants to see you succeed and will always support you.

student tour guide admissions, Teagan Schnorr

Teagan Schnorr '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Hingham, MA
Major(s):  Health Studies, Spanish
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Admissions Outreach, American Medical Student Association (AMSA), Community-Based Learning (CBL), Disability Services, Physician's Assistant Club, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I've found so much to love about Holy Cross, right from my first steps on the Hill. I want to pay my gratitude forward to all the future Crusaders and share what I love about my community with them!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
I have loved being part of a team here, as I am an athlete on the Women's Rowing Team! The incredible community that Holy Cross offers is exemplified even more when you're working to better yourselves together, traveling with one another, and sharing so much of your time. I will always be so grateful for these women and the memories we'll continue to make over the next few years!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
It became clear to me that Holy Cross was my perfect fit once I learned how I could pursue my interests of health professions, the Spanish language, and have the opportunity to row on a Division 1 level all in a community that would support my passions! Everyone I've met in relation to Holy Cross have only said the best things about our community on the Hill, whether that be current students, alumni, coaches, or professors. I found it so unique and special for such a supportive network, and couldn't wait to experience that for myself!

young woman with medium length hair brown in color sitting wearing a gray Holy Cross sweatshirt smiling at the camera

Maile Sit '25

Hometown: Great Neck, NY
Major(s): Psychology
Minor/Concentration(s): Education
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Admissions Outreach, Advocating Student Interests in Asia (ASIA), Feminist Forum, Pinoys of Worcester, Spring Break Immersion

Why did you become a tour guide?
I am passionate about Holy Cross and being a tour guide allows me to share this directly with prospective students and their families! Tour guides are some of the first people a student may meet on their college journey and I definitely want to be a person that makes students want to come back to Holy Cross. Holy Cross is so special to me and I love sharing this with others!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience so far is being able to go to all the little shops located close off campus! Eating at Birchtree or shopping for plants at Seed to Stem with friends always lights up my day and is something I look forward to. Not only is it a relaxing way to spend time with friends, but it is so close to campus!

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because of the strong community values the school holds. This tight-knit community makes me feel safe and at home; the moment I went on campus for the first time, I knew that this was where I am meant to be. I wanted to be at a place where I could not only be challenged
academically, but be surrounded by a family that would push me and expose me to new opportunities. It became clear to me that Holy Cross would be the perfect fit!

student tour guide admissions, dani soriano

Danielle Soriano '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
Major(s):  Psychology, Sociology
Co-Curricular Involvement:  A.S.I.A., Admissions Outreach, Fusion Hip-Hop Dance Team, HC Radio, Pinoys of Worcester, Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I have such a deep appreciation for how Holy Cross has shaped me as a person thus far, and I want to be able to share my experiences with prospective students! I know how important it was to me to have representation when looking for a school, so in being an out-of-state person of color student I would love to be an ambassador for Holy Cross’s efforts to be more inclusive. Paying forward the gratitude that I have for this campus community is something that I really value!

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
In my first year, I had the opportunity to be an intern for Advocating Student Interest in Asia (A.S.I.A.), and it allowed me to connect with other students that I share a similar identity with. In the spring semester, we put on our yearly cultural showcase, ExplorASIAn, which featured dance performances, singers, testimonies, and presentations from the E-Board. During this event, I got to dance alongside my hip-hop team at Holy Cross, Fusion, as well as give a testimony about my experience as a 1.5 generation Asian-American. A.S.I.A. has been my safe space since I came to the Hill, and I am eternally grateful for the connections it has given me and the opportunities I have to educate others  about my beautiful culture.

Why did you choose to attend Holy Cross?
After multiple months of discernment, webinars, and admitted student day events and orientations, I chose Holy Cross because of the sense of community that was present on campus. The energy from the students and faculty alike allowed me to feel like I truly belonged on this campus. Unique opportunities that were presented to me such as the study abroad program, strong alumni network, and overall passion from the students for the Jesuit mission of serving others are what made me say yes!

close up of a young man wearing a white shirt he has dark short hair and is smiling at the camera

Juan Trillo '25

Hometown: Queens, New York
Major(s):  Undeclared
Co-Curricular Involvement:  African Community Education, College Democrats, Community-Based Learning (CBL), Latin American Student Organization (LASO), Pax Christi, Student Government Association (SGA), The Spire

Why did you become a tour guide?
One of my favorite experiences in high school was being a tour guide at our annual open house. I really enjoyed being able to set an example for the prospective families about the type of environment that our school fostered. I also liked developing a personal connection with many of the families and being able to answer their questions during a very stressful period of their lives. 

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The professors at Holy Cross really are something special. In my experience, they are all incredibly intelligent, understanding, and down-to-earth. Their pleasant nature helps relieve a lot of the pressure of academics, while still expecting a lot from their students.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
Holy Cross is a unique institution because of how present the mission is. I find that Holy Cross' Jesuit initiative of being people for others can be seen all across campus. Many students want to support each other and their communities.

student tour guide admissions, emma tweed

Emma Tweed '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Brunswick, ME
Major(s):  Mathematics
Co-Curricular Involvement:  Admissions Outreach, Advocating Student Interests in Asia (ASIA), Community-Based Learning (CBL), Holy Cross Her Campus

Why did you become a tour guide?
Holy Cross was the first school I visited and I remember being instantly struck by the welcoming community, beginning with my tour guide. The magnetism I felt from the student body was unmatched and left a lasting impression on the rest of my college search. That initial tour of the college also alleviated many of my worries regarding academics and campus life and I hope to do the same for other prospective students.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One of my favorite memories was a storytelling event with my Montserrat cluster. I remember being extremely nervous to speak in front of my peers but sitting with the other presenters really helped. I knew some of them and was meeting others for the first time, but we all bonded over our shared fear of public speaking. After I shared my story, I could hear them cheering along with my friends and felt so grateful for the support. It was amazing to see the mix of people in the audience; it definitely reminded me of the best parts of the Holy Cross community.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because, after attending a Jesuit high school, I realized how important the values were in my education. At Holy Cross, the ideal of being "people for and with others" extends far beyond the classroom and outlines a defining trait of the college's atmosphere, no matter your religious background. Students are supported not just academically, but rather holistically.

reese wall admission tour guide

Reese Wall '25

Personal Pronouns: They/Them/Their(s)
Hometown: Pelham, NY
Major(s): Student Designed Majors
Minor/Concentration: Italian Studies
Co-Curricular Involvement: Orientation Leader, Pride, Research Fellowship, Running Club, Spring Break Immersion

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I wanted to show prospective students the best parts of campus that may not be highlighted any other way.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
The highlight of my Holy Cross experience were the friendships I’ve made through the activities I do. Spring Break Immersion and Gateways Orientation are two examples of this that come to mind immediately when I think of this.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because of its unique community of kind and welcoming people. This community not only encourages the formation of strong and lasting relationships but also a deeper education experience on and off campus.

young man with curly hair wearing a light blue button down shirt smiling at the camera

Stephen Walsh '25

Hometown: Cranston, Rhode Island
Major(s): Political Science
Career Program: Business
Co-Curricular Involvement: Real Estate Club, Student Government Association (SGA), Working for Worcester
Other Extra Curricular(s): Intramural Sports 

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I would love to show prospective students what it truly means to be a Holy Cross student. I would enjoy giving a well-rounded perspective of the college to potential students and families. One of the most standout traits of Holy Cross is the strong tight-knit community that occurs here. I would love to give insight into this through the tours that I would give.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
Outside of the classroom, one of the biggest highlights of my experience at Holy Cross has been being able to meet a wide variety of new people. Since I am involved in the Student Government Association I have had the opportunity to talk to many different students and get a large range of different views. It has given me the opportunity to become immersed in the community.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross mainly because of the liberal arts take on education and the small class sizes. However, having attended Holy Cross for over a year now I have fallen in love with the campus community. The unique community here has made Holy Cross my home and has pushed me to become not only a better student but a better person.

annelindle weigman admissions tour guide

AnneLindle Weigman '26

Personal Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hometown: Towson, Maryland 
Major(s): Economics, Mathematics
Co-Curricular Involvement: Club Volleyball, Orientation Leader, Relationship Peer Educations (RPE), Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD)

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I want to be the person that can help
prospective students realize that Holy Cross is the right school for them. Throughout my college tours, I relied on tour guides to help me learn more about the schools I was looking at, and I want to help students and families on tours discover that there is something for everyone at Holy Cross.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
As a Holy Cross student, one of my many highlights is being a member of the Women's Club Volleyball team. With practices twice a week and two tournaments per semester, I have loved getting to know such a great group of people while doing something I love. Having played volleyball in middle and
high school, I was so happy to find out that Holy Cross has a club volleyball team, and when I tried out, everyone was so welcoming and I was so glad that I was able to join a club so soon into the year. It has been an amazing experience, and I am so happy I was able to find more people to help make
Holy Cross feel like home.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because I immediately felt like I belonged when I came to campus for my first tour. Every student we passed on campus had huge smiles on their faces, and I could picture myself around campus walking to my classes, going to the dining hall, and laughing with friends as I looked
around. I was looking for a school with a strong sense of community, and I found that at Holy Cross. Due to the small class sizes and the spirit that every student has, Holy Cross fosters a community of support that I knew I had to be a part of.

young woman with long brown hair outside wearing a light blue top smiling at the camera

Claire Wolf '25

Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Major(s): Economics/Political Science
Career Program:  Pre-Law
Co-Curricular Involvement:  College Democrats, Community-Based Learning (CBL), Pax Christi, Running Club, Student Government Association (SGA), Student Senate

Why did you become a tour guide?
When I first visited Holy Cross’ campus, I was struck by the physical beauty and grandeur of it all. However, it was not until I moved in and until I experienced the power of the Holy Cross community that I truly felt at home. While I would love to brag about the splendor of our campus to every visitor, I would enjoy highlighting the intersection between the campus and the community more. I love sharing my recent memories of inclusivity and empowerment. I love showing the good work being done across campus and beyond the bounds of Mount Saint James. I love presenting the marvelousness of Holy Cross in its physical and emotional form. Most importantly, I love telling people about my home.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience thus far was sledding with my friends during the winter. Whether it was in a cardboard box or on an actual sled, we always had a lot of fun.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because I appreciated its commitment to serving others. Throughout my whole life, I have known that I wanted to be have a career related to social justice and service. Holy Cross' Jesuit mission gives me the opportunity to fully explore that dream. Additionally, I was very attracted to Holy Cross' small and tight-knit community. Adjusting to college and learning new skills is much easier when surrounded by very supportive classmates and friends.

young woman with long brown hair her right hand is resting under her chin sitting outside.

Zoe Yanco '25

Hometown: Rutland, MA
Major(s):  Political Science/Sociology
Co-Curricular Involvement: Best Buddies, Club Volleyball, Orientation Leader, The Spire

Why did you become a tour guide?
I became a tour guide because I truly believe in the power of a friendly face, a warm smile, and a genuine spirit. All of these elements contribute to such a welcoming environment that helps prospective students to understand the interconnected bonds that run deep within the Holy Cross community. I'm so grateful for all of the opportunities I have had at Holy Cross, and I am even more grateful to share these opportunities and experiences with prospective students who will hopefully engage in similar ones on the Hill. I love getting to interact with each student and their family, highlighting all of the things that make Holy Cross a great environment to grow, learn, and evolve.

What is one highlight of your Holy Cross experience thus far?
One highlight of my Holy Cross experience thus far has been joining the Gateways Orientation Team. Upon our initial meeting, it was clear that everyone in the room was so welcoming with one another, but also so eager to welcome the newest group of students to the Hill. My experience with the Gateways Orientation Team serves as a small symbol that is indicative of the greater Holy Cross community. Seeing so many people feel so passionate about Holy Cross and about helping others has been really rewarding and exciting to be a part of.

Why did you chose to attend Holy Cross?
I chose to attend Holy Cross because I wanted to feel challenged to grow and evolve outside of myself, yet supported in this endeavor. The network of professors, faculty, and students alike have made me feel as though I can step outside of my comfort zone and strive towards my potential.