Program Type

Areas of Study

  • Educational psychology
  • History of schools and school policy
  • Social justice & urban issues
  • Family engagement
  • Multilingual education
  • Guidance & counseling
  • Literacy
  • Research in education
  • Methods of teaching 

The education minor is a six-course program open to students of all majors. The minor allows students to study the field of education as a liberal arts discipline and is separate from the Teacher Education Program.


1. Introductory Course 

One of the following is required:

  • EDUC 167 - Educational Psychology
  • EDUC 169 - Our Public Schools

2. Social Justice/Urban Issues 

Select one only:

  • EDUC 273 - Complexities of Urban Education
  • EDUC 234 - Families, Students, and Schools
  • EDUC 340 - Multicultural Education
  • PSYC 299 - Social Oppression and Change

3. Three Additional Electives 

Three additional electives in Education or two electives in Education and one appropriate outside course from an allied field/one approved study abroad Education course.

4. Capstone Experience.

  • EDUC 220 - Guidance and the Law
  • EDUC 231 - Adolescent Literacy
  • EDUC 234 - Families, Students & Schools
  • EDUC 245 - Dis/Ability Theory & Practice
  • EDUC 301 - Methods of Teaching
  • EDUC 315 - Multilingual Learners
  • EDUC 360 - Research in Education
  • EDUC 399 - Guidance in Practice

  • ENGL 387 - Composition Theory and Pedagogy
  • ENGL 392 - Writing for Social Change
  • POLS 314 - Education Politics and Policy
  • PSYC 225 - Developmental Psychology
  • PSYC 228 - Psychology of Adolescence
  • PSYC 236 - Cognition & Memory
  • PSYC 267 - Motivation and Goal Pursuit
  • PSYC 326 - Cognition Across Cultures
  • PSYC 328 - Adolescent Health
  • SOCL 254 - Girls & Violence
  • SOCL 259 - Children & Violence
  • SOCL 269 - Sociology in Education

  • EDUC 301 - Methods of Teaching
  • EDUC 320 - Practicum: Middle and Secondary School Teaching
  • EDUC 360 - Research in Education
  • EDUC 380 - Capstone Seminar
  • EDUC 380 - Guidance in Practice
  • EDUC 390 - Tutorial
  • EDUC 394 - Directed Research
  • ACIP 379 - Academic Internship
  • DCSP 382 - Washington Internship

Sample Courses

Course Catalog
  • Multilingual Learners
  • Educational Psychology
  • Our Public Schools
  • Complexities of Urban Schools
  • Multicultural Education
  • Guidance and the Law
  • Adolescent Literacy
  • Family, Students, & Schools
  • Dis/Ability Theory & Practice
  • Methods Of Teaching
  • Research Methods in Education

Field-Based Experiences

Students who enroll in courses in the Department of Education have many opportunities to be in local schools as part of field-based experiences linked to their course work, even in the very first courses they take. Often, these field experiences can be a good way to evaluate whether education is the right choice of a program.

Meet Your Department Chair

Lauren Capotosto - Associate Professor, Department Chair

Meet All Education Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff


Education minors can take advantage of these additional opportunities.

Teacher Education Program

The Teacher Education Program (TEP) at Holy Cross prepares students for licensure in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We currently offer approved programs in 11 licensure areas: Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Studies, English, French, General Science, History, Latin and Classical Humanities, Mathematics, Physics and Spanish. The program places a special emphasis on issues surrounding urban education. Students in the Teacher Education Program may elect to participate in a ninth-semester option that allows them to complete their student teaching requirement in the semester immediately following graduation.

4+1 Program

The “4+1 Program,” offered jointly from Holy Cross and Clark University, allows you to complete your Master of Arts in Teaching in just one year at Clark University following your graduation from Holy Cross. You will be prepared to become a reflective, justice-seeking educator who is able to effect change within the complex landscape of contemporary education.

Post-Graduate Teaching Opportunities

The Nativity model of education began with the creation of the Nativity Mission Center in New York City in 1971. The model consists of small class sizes, a mandatory summer program, an extended school day where students attend organized activities and an evening study, and a graduate support program. Today, there are 64 NativityMiguel Schools serving over 5,000 middle-school-aged boys and girls in 27 states. The mission of the schools is to provide a unique faith-based education that breaks the cycle of poverty in underserved communities. Some examples include:

  • Nativity School of Worcester
  • Mother Caroline Academy
  • Esperanza Academy
  • Nativity Prep Boston
  • Nativity Prep New Bedford (The teaching program at Nativity Prep New Bedford includes enrollment in AmeriCorps, and full charge of your classroom with regular coaching and observation from seasoned educators)

Teach for America is a national corps of outstanding college graduates from all academic majors who commit two years to teach in under-resourced urban and rural schools. The program is especially interested in recruiting diverse students with strong leadership skills. Teach for America is consistently a top employer of Holy Cross seniors.

The Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE), based at the University of Notre Dame, offers a two-year experience of teaching in under-resourced Catholic schools in the southern United States. Community-building with other participants and course work in Notre Dame’s Master of Education program are integral parts of the experience.

The Providence Alliance for Catholic Teachers (PACT) is a two year teaching program within the Department of Graduate Studies at Providence College. The program aims to contribute to the renewal and enrichment of Catholic education in New England by providing Catholic elementary and secondary schools with highly qualified professional educators.

Considering a career in urban teaching and education reform? Learn about Urban Teacher Center — a pioneering alternative teacher preparation program in Washington, D.C., and Baltimore and Dallas/Fort Worth that prepares you for the job through a free dual master’s, one-on-one coaching, and a 15-month residency with a host teacher.

The Urban Catholic Teachers Corps (UCTC) is a two-year service program for teachers who wish to gain experience teaching in urban Catholic schools in the Boston area and who want to live in a community with other teachers. UCTC volunteers are full-time regular classroom teachers during the academic year and take classes or do service during the summers and, at times, during the fall and spring. NOTE: UCTC is for graduates who have completed the Teacher Education Program.