Selected Publications
Sanjog Rupakheti is an Editor for the journal Studies in Nepali History and Society.
Work in Progress
The Making of a Hindu Kingdom in Nepal: Family, Law, and Power in the Himalayas (under contract with Oxford University Press)
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
"Historicizing the House of Gorkha: Genealogy, Family Feuds, and Network Building in the Himalayas" in The Oxford Handbook of the Himalayas (New York: Oxford University Press) forthcoming
"Households, Family Politics, and Slavery in Nepal" in Slavery and Bondage in Asia, 1500-1850: Towards a Global History of Coerced Labour (De Gruyter Academic Press, 2022), pp: 179-197.
"Beyond dharmashastras and Weberian Modernity: Law and State Making in Nineteenth Century Nepal" in Law Addressing Diversity: Pre-Modern India and Europe in Comparison. Thomas Ertl and Gijs Kruijtzer, eds. (Berlin: De Gruyter Academic Press, 2017), pp: 169-196.
"Reconsidering State-Society Relations in South Asia: A Himalayan Case Study," Himalaya, The Journal of the Association of Nepal and Himalayan Studies, 35:2 (2015): 73-86.
Book Reviews
Manik Bajracharya, ed., Slavery and Unfree Labour in Nepal: Documents From the 18th to Early 20th Century. Heidelberg_ Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022. Studies in Nepali History and Society, Vol 28. No. 2 (2023): 471-474
Baburam Acharya, et al., The Bloodstained Throne: Struggle for Power in Nepal, 1775-1914 (New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2013) in European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, Vol. 52 (2020): 104-107.
Mark Liechty, Far Out: Countercultural Seekers and the Tourist Encounters in Nepal (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2017) in Pacific Affairs, Vol. 92, No. 2 (2019): 377-379.
Bernardo Michael, State Making and Territory in South Asia: Lessons from the Anglo Gorkha War (1814-1816) (London: Anthem Press, 2012) in Studies in Nepali History and Society, Vol. 22, No. 2 (2017): 487-490.