Current Research
In our lab, undergraduate students and I perform experiments in the field of ion-atom collision physics. We have built an experimental apparatus in which we study collisions between lithium atoms and various types of ions. Charge transfer collisions are our primary focus, and in these types of collision the lithium valence electron is transferred to the ion. Charge transfer is a fundamental collision process that, despite involving only three bodies, is challenging to model theoretically. Accurate experimental data, such as we gather in our lab, can therefore provide sensitive tests of theoretical predictions. These types of collisions are also of significant practical interest in the fields of plasma physics, nuclear fusion research, and astrophysics.
The apparatus we use for our experiments consists of a lithium oven, a radio-frequency discharge ion source, a detector to record charged collision products, and diagnostics for the lithium and ion beams. The oven is heated to 575 C to produce a lithium beam that intersects at right angles with a mass-selected ion beam. Charge transfer collisions result in lithium ions that we detect with a channel electron multiplier. We measure the ion beam current and lithium beam density using a Faraday cup, and by laser absorption spectroscopy, respectively. Using this apparatus we are able to accurately measure total charge transfer cross sections for a range of different atomic and molecular ions impacting on lithium atoms.
In the past, our lab has also performed experiments to measure the atomic energies of laser-excited lithium atoms using the technique of laser spectroscopy. We have also performed experiments in the field of applied magnetism. We have measured the magnetic properties of different types of magnetic stainless steel at room and at cryogenic temperature, and designed and built an apparatus to efficiently demagnetize magnetic materials.
Other Information
- Students Involved in Research with Professor Oxley
- Previous Research
- General Lab Images
- Rydberg Lithium
- Ions and Collisions
- Magnetism
Measurements of charge transfer and target-electron-loss cross sections for H+, D+, and He+ impact on lithium at low energies. Paul Oxley, Physical Review A 105 032824 (2022)
Precision Atomic Beam Density Characterization by Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy.
Paul Oxley and Joseph Wihbey, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 093103 (2016).
Frequency Stabilization of Multiple Lasers and Rydberg Atom Spectroscopy.
Paul Oxley and Patrick Collins, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, DOI: 10.1007/s00340-010-4154-z (2010).
Measurement of the Lithium 10p Fine Structure Interval and Absolute Energy
Paul Oxley and Patrick Collins, Physical review A 81, 024501 (2010).
Apparatus for magnetization and efficient demagnetization of magnetic materials. Paul Oxley, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 45, pp. 3274-3283 (2009)
Magnetic properties of stainless steels at room and cryogenic temperature. Paul Oxley, Jennifer Goodell, and Robert Molt, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, pp. 2107-2014 (2009)
Finite element solution of Laplace's equation for ion-atom chambers. Jacob Golde, Janine Shertzer, and Paul Oxley, American Journal of Physics 77, pp81-86 (2009).
A Millimeter-Wave Achromatic Half Wave Plate. S. Hanany, H. Hubmayr, B. Johnson, T. Matsumura, P. Oxley, M. Thibodeau, Applied Optics 44, 22 (2005).
Development of a Cryogenic Eddy Current Motor for Driving a Superconducting Magnetic Bearing. T. Matsumura, S. Hanany, J.R. Hull, B. Johnson, T. Jones, P. Oxley, Physica C Vol. 426-431, pp. 746-751, (2005).
The EBEX Experiment. P. Oxley, P. Ade, C. Baccigalupi, P. deBernardis, H.M. Cho, M.J. Devlin, S. Hanany, B.R. Johnson, T. Jones, A.T. Lee, T. Matsumura, A.D. Miller, M. Milligan, T. Renbarger, H.G. Spieler, R. Stompor, G.S. Tucker, M. Zaldarriaga, Earth Observing Systems IX. Edited by W.L. Barnes and J.J. Butler, Proceedings of the SPIE 5543, pp. 320-331 (2004).
Aperture Method to Determine the Density and Geometry of Antiparticle Plasmas.
P. Oxley, N.S. Bowden, R. Parrott, A. Speck, C. Storry, J.N. Tan, M. Wessels, G. Gabrielse, D. Grzonka, W. Oelert, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, J. Walz, H. Pittner, T.W. Haensch, E.A. Hessels, Physics Letters B 595, 60 (2004).
Observations of Cold Antihydrogen. J.N. Tan, N.S. Bowden, G. Gabrielse, P. Oxley, A. Speck, C.H. Storry, M. Wessels, D. Grzonka, W. Oelert, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, J. Walz, H. Pittner, T.W. Haensch, E.A. Hessels, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 214, pp. 22-30 (2004).
Driven Production of Cold Antihydrogen and the First Measured Distribution of Antihydrogen States. G. Gabrielse, N.S. Bowden, P. Oxley, A. Speck, C.H. Storry, J.N. Tan, M. Wessels, D. Grzonka, W. Oelert, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, J. Walz, H. Pittner, T.W. Haensch, E.A. Hessels, Physical Review Letters 89, 233401 (2002).
Background-Free Observation of Cold Antihydrogen and a Field-Ionization Analysis of Its States. G. Gabrielse, N.S. Bowden, P. Oxley, A. Speck, C.H. Storry, J.N. Tan, M. Wessels, D. Grzonka, W. Oelert, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, J. Walz, H. Pittner, T.W. Haensch, E.A. Hessels, Physical Review Letters 89, 213401 (2002).
Stacking of Cold Antiprotons. G. Gabrielse, N.S. Bowden, P. Oxley, A. Speck, C.H. Storry, J.N. Tan, M. Wessels, D. Grzonka, W. Oelert, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, J. Walz, H. Pittner, T.W. Haensch, E.A. Hessels, Physics Letters B 548, 140 (2002).
Cold Antihydrogen and CPT. G. Gabrielse, J.N. Tan, N.S. Bowden, P. Oxley, C.H. Storry, M.Wessels, A. Speck, J. Estrada, P. Yesley, D. Grzonka, W. Oelert, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, J.Walz, Proceedings of the Second Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, edited by V. Alan Kostelecky, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 225-234 (2002).
Cold Antimatter Plasmas, and Aspirations for Cold Antihydrogen. G. Gabrielse, J.N. Tan, N.S. Bowden, P. Oxley, C.H. Storry, M. Wessels, A. Speck, J. Estrada, P. Yesley, T. Squires, D. Grzonka, W. Oelert, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, J. Walz, Non- Neutral Plasma Physics IV, AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 606, edited by F. Anderegg, L. Schweikhard, C.F. Driscoll, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, pp. 51-62 (2002).
First Positron Cooling of Antiprotons. G. Gabrielse, J. Estrada, J.N. Tan, P. Yesley, N.S. Bowden, P. Oxley, T. Roach, C.H. Storry, M. Wessels, J. Tan, D. Grzonka, W. Oelert, G. Schepers, T. Sefzick, W. Breunlich, M. Carngelli, H. Fuhrmann, R. King, R. Ursin, H. Zmeskal, H. Kalinowsky, C. Wesdorp, J. Walz, K.S.E. Eikema, T.W. Haensch, Physics Letters B 507, 1 (2001).
Recent Research Using the Oxford Electron Beam Ion Trap. H.S. Margolis, J. Asada, T.V. Back, D.J. Bieber, F.J. Currell, E.G. Myers, N. Nakamura, S. Ohtani, P.K. Oxley, M. Sakurai, J.D. Silver, H. Watanabe, Hyperfine Interactions 115, 139 (1998).
Laser Spectroscopy of the 1s2 2s2p 3P2 to 3P1 Transition in Beryllium-like Argon Using the Oxford EBIT. T.V. Back, H.S. Margolis, P.K. Oxley, J.D. Silver, E.G. Myers, Hyperfine Interactions 114, 203 (1998).
Laser Spectroscopy of the 2s Lamb Shift in Hydrogen-like Silicon Using an EBIT. T.V. Back, P.D. Groves, H.S. Margolis, P.K. Oxley, J.D Silver, Physica Scripta T73, 62 (1997).
Studies of Magnetic Dipole Transitions in Highly Charged Argon and Barium Using an EBIT. D.J. Bieber, H.S. Margolis, P.K. Oxley, J.D. Silver, Physica Scripta T73, 64 (1997).
Studies of the Ionization Balance in an Electron Beam Ion Trap. H.S. Margolis, P.D. Groves, P.K. Oxley, J.D. Silver, A.J. Varney, Physica Scripta T73, 375 (1997).
Student Research
Undergraduates Involved in Research with Professor Paul Oxley:
Student | Project Title |
Alex Diresta | Charged Particle Trajectory Simulations for Ion Atom Collisions |
Seth Sullivan | Experimental Redesign of Lithium-Proton Collision Apparatus |
Patrick Carpenado | Assembly and testing of an ion beam profile monitor |
Liv Marran | Readout Electronics, Data Acquisition, and Testing of a Beam Profile Monitor |
Daniel Mendez | Electron Beam Testing using a Faraday Cup and Ion Beam Profile Monitor |
Dan Taylor | Testing the Properties of a SPEX 750 Spectrometer |
Zach St Pierre | Electronic Circuits for an Ion Beam Profile Monitor |
Ted Arsenault | Stabilization of a Confocal Fabry Perot Etalon for Laser Frequency Analysis |
Niki Pelari | Testing a Confocal Fabry Perot Etalon |
Kevin Conte | Ion Beam Profile Monitors |
Joe Wihbey |
Determining the Density of an Atomic Beam using laser Absorption Atomic Beam Density Measurements using Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy |
Ryan Kennedy | Fluorescence Detection System for In-Vacuum Ion-Atom Collision Experiments |
Bryan Ptucha | Design and Analysis of a Chopped Lithium Beam |
Allison Hartman | Neutral Atom Detectors |
Pat Collins | Atomic Spectroscopy of Lithium, An Ion Source for Plasma Physics Studies |
Matt Davis | A Detection System for Ion Atom Collisions |
Josh Ryor | Dual Wavelength Lasers for Atomic Physics Experiments |
Miguel Juarez | Designing and Constructing a Lock-in Amplifier for Atomic Physics Experiments |
Jen Goodell | Magnetic Properties of Commercial Stainless Steels |
Suzy Flaherty | Apparatus For Creation of an Ion Beam |
James Daly | Apparatus For Laser Excitation of Lithium Atoms |
Robert Molt | Studies of Electric and Magnetic Fields Required to Create Coherent Elliptical State Atoms |