Noel Cary


Areas of Expertise

Modern Germany; Europe, especially since 1945; History of science


Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Selected Publications


  • The Path to Christian Democracy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996).

Book chapter 

  • “Memory Games: Olympic Discourses in Divided Germany,” in Katharina Hall and Kathryn N. Jones, eds., Constructions of Conflict (Cultural History and Literary Imagination 15)(New York: Peter Lang, 2011), 135-158.


  • “Olympics in Divided Berlin? Popular Culture and Political Imagination at the Cold War Frontier,” Cold War History 11 (2011): 291-316; "Wagging the Dog in Cold War Germany," German History (2006): 268-293; "Antisemitism, Everyday Life, and the Devastation of Civic Morals in Nazi Germany," Central European History (2002): 551-590; "'Farewell without Tears': Diplomats, Dissidents, and the Demise of East Germany," Journal of Modern History (2001): 617-651; "Reassessing Germany's Ostpolitik," two-part series, Central European History (2000): 235-262 and 369-390; six articles in Modern Germany: An Encyclopedia (New York: Garland, 1998);  post-war Germany sections of The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature (Oxford, 1995); "The Making of the Reich President, 1925," Central European History (1990): 179-204; “Main Sequence Models for Massive Zero-Metal Stars,” Astrophysics and Space Science 31 (1974).