Maria Rodrigues

Some of Maria Rodrigues involvements include:
- The New England Council on Latin American Studies (NECLAS): President (2017-2018); Vice President (2016-2017).
- Reviewer for academic journals Environmental Management, Comparative Politics.
- Reviewer for Tenure promotion, Fairfield University, University of San Francisco, California.
- Reviewer for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
- Grant Writer (volunteer), Brazilian Women’s Group, Boston.
- President, Friends of the Faneuil Library, Brighton (2014-2017).
Global Environmentalism and Local Politics – Transnational Environmental Networks in Brazil, Ecuador, and India. State University of New York Press (SUNY), Albany, NY, (2004).
Articles, book reviews, and book chapters
“Environmentalism and the Globalization of the Oil Industry in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – An integrated approach to the challenges of mobilization,” Latin American Perspectives, July, 2018.
Book Review:
Monsanto and Intellectual Property in South America. By Felipe Amin Filomeno. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014, The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History, (July 2017).
“The prospects for transnational advocacy across the IBSA bloc – a view from Brazil” Third World Quarterly, v. 37, issue 4, 2016.
“Reseaux Transnationaux, Action Collective et Dificile Negotioation the Valeurs Communes,” (Transnational Networks, Collective Action, and Difficult Negotiation of Common Values) in Dumoulin Kervran, D. and Pepin-Lehalleur, M. (dir.): Agir en reseau – Modele d’action or categorie d’analyse? Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes Cedex, France, 2012.
“Rethinking the Impact of Transnational Advocacy Networks,” in New Global Studies Journal, volume 5, Issue 2, 2011.
“Politics of Development,” in McElwee, T., Hall, B.W., Liechty, J, and Garber, J (eds.): Peace, Justice, and Security Studies – A Curriculum Guide, 7th Edition, Lynne Rienner, London and Boulder, 2009
“Sanitation and Water Management in Brazil: The Role of Local Governments and Grassroots organizations,” in Jornadas Agua y Globalizacion en El Mediterraneo – XI Congreso Mundial del Agua, published in 2004 by the Junta de Andalucia, IWRA, Ministerio de Educacion Y Ciencia and Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana (2006) “Advocating for the Environment – Local Dimensions of Transnational Networks,” in Environment, v. 46, n. 2, March 2004.
“Advocating for the Environment – Local Dimensions of Transnational Networks,” in Environment, v. 46, n. 2, March 2004.
“The Planafloro Inspection Panel Claim: Opportunities and Challenges for Civil Society in Rondônia, Brazil,” in Dana Clark, Jonathan Fox and Kay Treakle, eds., Demanding Accountability: Civil Social Claims and the World Bank Inspection Panel (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003)
“Privatization and Socioenvironmental Conditions in Brazil’s Amazonia: Political Challenges to Neoliberal Principles,” in Journal of Environment and Development, V. 12, n. 2, June 2003.
“Indigenous Rights in Democratic Brazil,” in Human Rights Quarterly, v. 24, n. 2, May 2002.
“Transnational Advocacy Networks: Strategies and Impacts -- The Planafloro Project and the World Bank’s Inspection Panel” (original title: “Redes Transnacionais de Advocacia Pública: Estratégias e Impactos – O Projeto Planafloro e o Painel de Inspeção do Banco Mundial,”), in Contexto Internacional, v. 24, January/June, 2002, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
“Environmental Protection Issue Networks in Amazonia,” in Latin American Research Review,” v. 35, n. 3, 2000.
“The Kyoto Conference on Climate Change: Are Equity Issues Being Addressed?” in Peacework, Cambridge, December, 1997.
“Law and the Environment: Impacts on Corporate Policies in Brazil.” (original title: “Direito e Meio Ambiente: Implicações para a Área Empresarial”) in Arché Interdisciplinar, v. 4, n. 12, 1995, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
“Environmental Movement and Political Activism: A Case-Study of the Campaign Against the Multilateral Development Banks.” (original title: “Movimento Ambiental e Ativismo Politico: Um Estudo de Caso da Campanha Contra os Bancos Multilaterais de Desenvolvimento”) in Contexto Internacional, Julho/Dez. 93, v. 15 n.2, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
“The Catholic Church in Context of Crisis: The Case of the Angolan Independence," in Current Research on Peace and Violence, v.13, n.4, Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere, Finland, 1990.
“US-Angolan Relations: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in the Angolan Crisis.”(original title: “As Relações Estados Unidos-Angola: Estudo do Processo Decisório na Crise Angolana”) in Estudos Afro-Asiáticos, n.19, R.J., Brazil, 1990.
Online Publications
“Searching for Common Ground – Transnational Advocacy Networks and Environmentally Sustainable Development in Amazonia,” (
Invited Talks
“Global Environmentalism and Local Politics,” delivered at Boston University’s “Political Science Lunch Series” January 30, 2004
“Indigenous Rights in Democratic Brazil,” delivered to the Brazil Studies Group of the University of Arizona’s Latin American Studies, Tucson, Arizona, April 21, 2000
Papers in Conferences and Workshops
“The Efficacy of Transnational Advocacy Networks in Latin America – Environmental Activism in Rondonia, Brazil,” presented in the Workshop “Global Non-State Actors and Democracy in International Relations, held in the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 23 and 24, 2007.
“Negotiating Values and Visions: Political and Ethical Implications of Transnational Environmental Activism at the Local Level,” final paper presented at the Fellows Meeting of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs’ Fellows Program, New York, June 19, 2003.
“Privatization and the Environment: Challenges to Neoliberal Principles in Brazil’s Amazonia,” paper presented at the 2002 Annual Fall Meeting of the New England Conference on Latin American Studies (NECLAS), College of the Holy Cross, October, 2002.
“Political and Ethical Implications of Transnational Environmental Activism at the Local Level,” research proposal presented at the Fellows Meeting of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs’ Fellows Program, New York, June 17, 2002.
“Constructing Citizenship in Democratic Brazil: Grassroots Participation in the Guanabara Bay Basin,” Paper presented at the 2001 Annual Fall Meeting of the New England Conference on Latin American Studies (NECLAS), Salem State College, Salem, Massachusetts, November 3, 2001.
“The Planafloro Inspection Panel Claim: Opportunities and Challenges for Civil Society in Rondonia, Brazil,” paper presented in the authors’ workshop for the book Demanding Accountability: Lessons from the World Bank Inspection Panel, edited by J. Fox, D. Clark, and K. Treakle (forthcoming), Washington, DC, June 21-24, 2001, and in the 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, August 29 to September 1, 2001.
“Searching for Common Ground – Transnational Advocacy Networks and Environmentally Sustainable Development in Amazonia,” presented at the workshop “Human Rights and Globalization: When Transnational Civil Society Networks Hit the Ground,” organized by the Center for Global, International, and Regional Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, December 1-2, 2000, and at the 2000 Annual Fall Meeting of the New England Conference on Latin American Studies (NECLAS), Amherst College, Amherst, MA, October 14, 2000.
“Environmental and Indigenous Policies in Democratic Brazil,” paper presented to the New England Conference on Latin American Studies (NECLAS), Mount Holyoke College, October 18, 1997.
“Environmental Protection Issue Networks: Preliminary Steps toward an Integrated Approach to International Environmental Relations,” paper presented to the Northeastern Political Science Association and International Studies Association, November 16, 1996, Boston.