Kristofer Ray is Visiting Associate Professor of Early American and Indigenous History at the College of the Holy Cross. In addition to several book chapters and journal articles he is the author of _Cherokee Power: Imperial and Indigenous Geopolitics in the Trans-Appalachian West, 1670-1774_ (2023) and _Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and Popular Democracy on the Southwestern Frontier_ (2007). He also is co-editor with Brady DeSanti (Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe; University of Nebraska Omaha) of _Understanding and Teaching Native American History_ (2022), and editor of _Before the Volunteer State: New Thoughts on Early Tennessee History, 1540-1800_ (2015). He is currently co-authoring _Writing Transnational Indigenous History_ (Cambridge Press, under contract) with Raymond Orr (Citizen Potawatomi; University of Miami).
News, Research, & Publications
_Cherokee Power: Imperial and Indigenous Geopolitics in the Trans-Appalachian West, 1670-1774_ (“New Directions in Native American Studies” Series, University Oklahoma Press, 2023)
_Middle Tennessee, 1775-1825: Progress and Popular Democracy on the Southwestern Frontier_ (University of Tennessee Press, 2007)
Under Contract:
With Raymond Orr, _Writing Transnational Indigenous History_ (“Elements in Historical Theory and Practice” Series, Cambridge University Press)
In Progress:
_Constructing a Discourse of Indigenous Slavery, Freedom, and Society in Anglo-Virginia and the Carolinas, 1585-1830_
Journal Articles:
“Interpreting Native Trans-Appalachia, 1670-1770: Or, How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Read Fanni Mingo’s Map,” XVII-XVIII Century Review Volume 78 (2021)
With Andrew K. Frank, “Indians as Southerners; Southerners as Indians: Rethinking the History of a Region,” Native South Volume 10 (2017)
“Constructing a Discourse of Indigenous Slavery, Freedom, and Sovereignty in Anglo-Virginia, 1600-1750,” Native South Volume 10 (2017)
“‘The Indians of every denomination were free, and independent of us’: White Southern Explorations of Indigenous Slavery, Freedom, and Society, 1772-1830,” for the ‘Indigenous Histories of the American South during the long Nineteenth Century’ issue of American Nineteenth Century History Vol. 17 #2 (2016)
“Leadership, Loyalty, and Sovereignty in the Revolutionary American Southwest: The State of Franklin as Case Study,” North Carolina Historical Review Vol. XCII #2 (April 2015)
“Cherokees and Franco-British Confrontation in the Tennessee Corridor, 1730-1760,” Native South Volume 7 (2014)
“The Republicans are the Nation? Thomas Jefferson, William Duane, and the Evolution of the Republican Coalition, 1809 -1815,” American Nineteenth Century History Vol. 14 #3 (2013)
“New Directions in Early Tennessee History, 1540-1815,” Tennessee Historical Quarterly Vol. 68, #3 (Fall 2010)
“Political Culture and the Origins of a Party System in the Southern Ohio Valley: The Case of Early National Tennessee, 1796-1812,” Ohio Valley History Vol. 4, #4 (Winter 2004)
“Land Speculation, Popular Democracy and Political Transformation on the Tennessee Frontier, 1780-1800,” Tennessee Historical Quarterly Vol. 61, #3 (Fall 2002)
Invited Peer Reviewed Essays and Book Chapters:
With Kathleen DuVal, “Continental America,” Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History, ed. by Trevor Burnard (New York: Oxford University Press), www.oxfordbibliographies.com, 2022
“Native Americans and the American Revolution,” in Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History, ed. by Trevor Burnard (New York: Oxford University Press), www.oxfordbibliographies.com, 2022
“‘Our Concerns with Indians are now greatly extended’: Cherokees, Westward Indians, and Interpreting the Quebec Act from the Ohio Valley, 1763-1774” in Entangling the Quebec Act of 1774: Transnational Contexts, Meanings, and Legacies in North America and the British Empire, ed. by François Furstenberg and Olivier Hubert (McGill-Queens University Press, 2020)
“The Indigenous Roots of the American Revolution,” in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History, ed. by Jon Butler and Angela Hudson, http://oxfordre.com/americanhistory (2020)
“Cherokees, Empire, and the Tennessee Corridor in the British Imagination, 1670-1730,” in Before the Volunteer State: New Thoughts on Early Tennessee History, 1670-1800, ed. by Kristofer Ray (University of Tennessee Press, 2015)
With Kevin T. Barksdale, “Searching for John Sevier: Myth, Memory, and the History of Early Tennessee History,” in Ray, ed., Before the Volunteer State
“Indians, Europeans, and the Struggle for Empire in 18th Century North America,” in The Routledge Handbook of U.S. Diplomatic and Military History, Volume 1: Colonial Period to 1877, ed. by Antonio Thompson and Christos Frentzos, (Routledge Press, 2014)
“Thomas Jefferson and A Summary View of the Rights of British North America,” in A Companion to Thomas Jefferson, ed. by Francis D. Cogliano (Blackwell Publishing, 2012)
Edited Volumes and Documentary Editions:
Co-Editor with Brady DeSanti, Understanding and Teaching Native American History (“The Harvey Goldberg Series for Understanding and Teaching History,” University of Wisconsin Press, 2022)
Editor, Biographical Directory of the Tennessee General Assembly, Volume VII: 1992-2016 (Nashville: Tennessee Historical Commission, 2019)
Editor, Before the Volunteer State: New Thoughts on Early Tennessee History, 1540-1800 (University of Tennessee Press, 2015)
Assistant Editor, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Volumes 2, 3, and 5 (Princeton University Press, 2005, 2006, 2009)