Jennie Germann Molz

Jennie Germann Molz is a Professor of Sociology. She received her PhD in Sociology from Lancaster University in England where she subsequently held a postdoctoral research fellowship in the Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe). Her research interests include tourism mobilities and mobile technologies; mobile families and educational travel; hospitality and the ethics of welcoming strangers; global citizenship, home, and belonging; food, consumption, and identity; and mobile methodologies. She is co-editor of the journal Hospitality & Society. Her publications include Travel Connections: Technology, Tourism and Togetherness in a Mobile World (Routledge) and Disruptive Tourism and its Untidy Guests: Alternative Ontologies for Future Hospitalities (Palgrave Macmillan), and most recently, The World is Our Classroom: Extreme Parenting and the Rise of Worldschooling (NYU Press).
Sample Courses
- The Sociological Perspective
- Development of Social Theory
- Global Culture & Society
- Sociology of Travel & Tourism
Recent Publications
Jennie Germann Molz. 2021. The World is Our Classroom: Extreme Parenting and the Rise of Worldschooling. New York: NYU Press.
Soile Veijola, Jennie Germann Molz , Alexander Grit, Olly Pyyhtinen & Emily Höckert. 2014. Disruptive Tourism and its Untidy Guests: Alternative Ontologies for Future Hospitalities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jennie Germann Molz. 2012. Travel Connections: Tourism, Technology and Togetherness in a Mobile World. New York and London: Routledge.
Journal Articles
Jennie Germann Molz. 2021. Tout (est) Mobile: Convergence et distinction dans les modes de vie mobiles des familles pratiquant l’éducation par le voyage//Mobile Everything: Convergence and Distinction in the Mobile Lifestyles of Worldschooling Families. Anthropologie et Sociétés, 44(2: 61-86.
Jennie Germann Molz. 2018. Discourses of Scale in Network Hospitality: From the Airbnb Home to the Global Imaginary of “Belong Anywhere.” Hospitality & Society, 8(3): 229-251.
Jennie Germann Molz. 2017. Learning to Feel Global: Exploring the Emotional Geographies of Worldschooling. Emotion, Space and Society, 23(May 2017): 16-25.
Jennie Germann Molz. 2017. Giving Back, Doing Good, Feeling Global: The Affective Flows of Family Voluntourism. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 46(3): 334-360.
Jennie Germann Molz.2016. Making a Difference Together: Discourses of Transformation in Family Voluntourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(3): 805-823.
Jennie Germann Molz. 2015. Giving Back, Doing Good, Feeling Global: The Affective Flows of Family Voluntourism. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, online first October 16, 2015
Jennie Germann Molz & Cody Morris Paris. 2015. The Social Affordances of Flashpacking: Exploring the Mobility Nexus of Travel and Communication. Mobilities . 10(2): 173-192.
Winner: IFITT (International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism) Journal Article of the Year Award, ENTER 2014