Born and bred in good ole’ Dayton, Ohio, Jeff Dixon received his PhD in Sociology from Indiana University, with a minor in research/quantitative methods, and also holds a BS in Secondary Education from Wright State University. His previous co- and sole-authored research has appeared in such journals as Social Forces, Public Opinion Quarterly, British Journal of Sociology, International Migration Review, The Sociological Quarterly, Social Science Research, Social Science Quarterly, Sociological Perspectives, and Teaching Sociology. With Andrew S. Fullerton (PI), Dixon (Co-PI) was awarded a National Science Foundation grant in 2013 entitled, "Collaborative Research: Worker Insecurity and the Institutionalization of Part-Time Work." His current research examines work and neoliberalism. As a professor at the College of the Holy Cross, Dixon has taught seminars on a variety of topics, such as Turkey and the European Union, liberal democracy, and (precarious) work; artificial intelligence (AI), elective course entitled, "Social Class and Power"; and, he regularly teaches an introductory Sociology course and a research methods course. With Royce A. Singleton, Jr. and Bruce C. Straits, Dixon most recently co-authored the third edition of a research methods textbook, entitled The Process of Social Research.